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The new year has started! Hopefully things will be alot better in this one. I got guitars for Christmas, so I'm tryin to find lots of time to practice on those. Maybe I can write a few new songs for my great band RUAH.

Cool! I got my first of two Sora figures in the mail today from Disney's magical collection. It's actually better looking than the bigger action figures. The Halloween town Sora should be here soon. I'd like to thank Sai and Rahal who now own the Kingdom Hearts webring for showing me what dumbasses they are. I wouldn't want to have a site in a ring owned by Nazi's. See, I was deleted from they're ring because I didn't just copy everything from the Kingdom Hearts Walkthrough guide onto a site and say it was mine like them and everyone else who has the exact same cookie-cutter site. I did something original and different, and they can't handle that. So they eliminated the threat of something better by deleting me. Oh well, it's just too bad somebody smarter and more creative didn't take over the webring.

YAY!! The new CD by the greatest band in the world has come out. The live CD by DISHWALLA. Whoo-hoo, it's amazing! So I went and tried out for American idol. But all they were looking for was a Brittany Spears look-alike. That's ok, I'd rather get somewhere on my talents instead of my looks. news, not much new on the personal site, but the Disney site is rocking. Got all kinds of new stuff there. Even got an award. That was sweet....hop on over and check it out.

Not to beat a dead horse, not that it's dead to me but, how, how how how, after a year and a half, after such a connection, a mental, spiritual, physical, intimate, loving connection, can you just move on and start dating almost immediately? How worthless does that make what we had seem? How replaceable am I, that within weeks she's already found someone else she'd like to be with? Not that I am telling anybody how to feel, but don't these things come with grieving periods? I know I am having mine. I guess I'm the only one, out of two of us. And I think that makes it all hurt even more. It's just like, insert new boyfriend here....I thought what we had was special. I thought it meant something. I guess it wasn't all that much. Maybe the next guy in line will be the special one. He sure as hell is the lucky one, I think.....

Now that I'm unhappily getting over the long rape of my life and soul(if I may put it that way), I've decided to change my website. I need a new look for a new chapter in life, which sucks right now. The healing process is long and lonely after giving all and losing all to a failed human experiment called relashionships, only to have to think about and see the person you dedicated so much to in the arms of another. So much fun, I'd like to spoon my eyes out and pull the long sharp dagger out of my heart. But that's life right?? seems to me some people can move on with their lives alot quicker, and find a new relashionship, even though they say they are just as upset as you. Whatever! I guess it'll all be for the better one day. Now that I have free time, it's back to my site.

It's a new year, I have no resolutions, but I do want to start working on the site more, I haven;t really touched it lately. I miss this stuff though. I am now obsessed with the greatest form of entertainment ever to be created. It's a Playstation 2 game called Kingdom Hearts, a cross between a Final Fantasy game and Disney. So I'll be putting stuff from that on here very soon. Also Coming is my Publix hall of shame. Just stories of really stupid people that I've had to serve. Most of us can relate. Please come back and see what happens.

Wow, it's been a long time since I've been on here, alot's going on with me. I don't know if anyone even visits this site, probably not, but I'll have more stuff up soon.....if you visit my Disney site, which is on my links page, I will soon have a kind of game. It won't be the most advanced thing around, but it should be cool to try.

I've seen two great movies in a row.....what an amazing miracle!! Since lately alot of movies have been lacking. One was HEARTS IN ATLANTIS with Anthony was good, even though the ending was stretched kinda, of course, my really having to relieve myself after the medium drink didn't help...hehe. And MAX KEEBLES BIG MOVE was just awesome, totally fun. It had the best line I've ever heard...."The smelly goat's not getting my car!" HAHAHAHAHA.....laterzzzzzz

Today I finished the Weatherman page, I don't know where the idea came from..."it just popped in there"..I'm so excited cause I read there is gonna be a new Ninja Turtles movie that will be computer animated, that will be sweet. Also the Freddy Krueger vs. Jason movie is in the works, something else I'll love......

I had a great idea and it worked! I made a haunted webpage for Halloween, and it's just really cool! I'm very happy with it. Click here for it

Wow, it's been a while since I've put anything up. I did a couple of new rants, that's it. I'm developing a couple of ideas, but nothin definite yet....

I found the official teenage mutant ninja turtles website which is still active, it's great, so I've adopted the banner. I've updated the links, I also put some funny random banners on the main page, they'll be different every time you come back, so do......laterzzzz

An idea had entered my head tonight, and I began working on it, but it didn't look as humorous as it did in my head. I was gonna combine blues clues and the OJ Simpson case. And blue would have like thirty pawprints all over the crimescene and Johny Cochrane would have been rhyming about somethin, but I scrapped that one. Back to the drawing boards.

Today I got my pictures back from the night I helped my dad at disney. You can see them and the story under stories and articles. Today I am also taking down the special thanx for my birthday, but the gratitude remains...:-)

Haven't thought of much lately, but I added a rant to the rant page. I'm sure inspiration will strike soon.

OK, well Embryo Boy is up, forgot to put that here....and today I put up My Cool Cars, look for it in Anything Else and About the way, if you say Bubble Boy a bunch of times, it sounds really funny and gets addictive....try it ;-P

I've had a brain lapse and haven't done much lately, my creative juices have been taken away, it was probably a mosquito that sucked some blood. But I did just put some stuff in the Anything Else or "Other" section. And I'm still working on Embryo Boy....keep checkin for it...later