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One of the things I plan on doing one day is collecting my favorite cars from the movies. Here are some pics and a little info about them.

The Delorian

From back to the future, the delorian is my favorite car of all time. And mine will come complete with the flux capacitor.

The Ecto-1

The Ecto-1 from the ghostbusters movies and cartoons is my second favorite car of all time. Originally the car was designed to be black with purple lights and strobes, very creepy looking. But they ended up with this one, which works out much better.

The Batmobile

Although there are a few batmobiles from different movies and tv shows, I only like the one from the first and second movie, or as I like to call them, the Tim Burton Batmobiles. Without the neon crap that a crimefighter has no need for on his car unless he's patroling Las Vegas. Anyway, here it is...

The Bluesmobile

We're on a mission from God.....I don't really know what this car is called, so I just call it the bluesmobile. Shut up, it works. I saw this car at universal studios before I ever even noticed it in the movie, but I got attached.
Wanna here a funny story, at universal, theres a show with the Blues Brothers. At the beggining, they ride into the alley in their car. Well, this one time, the bros were parked on the road beside the alley waiting for the show to start, and a woman walked up to the car and asked them if they knew anything about the Blues Brothers show and where it would be. She was serious too. They told her...Sorry m'am, we don't know anything about it. That was the funniest thing, ahhh...oh, yah, the pics.....

The Flintstones Car

Betcha can't guess where this ones from. Yah, the jetsons! Just kidding, for those of you who got confused. If I ever drive this one though, I don't care what fred did, I'm wearin shoes.

Ford Explorers

Before you look at the pics, can you guess what movie had ford explorers? There's probably more than one, but I want the ones from Jurassic Park. They have the coolset paintjobs. I want the ones before the dinosaurs got ahold of them though. The pics I have on here now are actually the JP jeeps that I want, I haven't found a pic of the explorer yet, but I will.
