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There's a lesson to be learned from this tale. A tale of humility, and you in life. Ok, so, I was sitting in the airport, minding my own business, screaming at people. Oh, wait, I should backtrack. On my trip to Europe, we all had fun yelling at people who looked like celebrities. It was sooo much fun. Yeah, they could tell we were Americans. HAHAHAHAH....oh, anyway. We were coming back home, and we had a layover in the beautiful Philedelphia airport. Having been there twice now, I think it's my absolute favorite airport in the world. Hey, shutup, I'm easily amused!

As we sat in near the gate, playing our game, I noticed a guy who looked like a really funny magician named Penn, of the duo Penn and Teller. So I began the immature little game of screaming at him, and the others joined in. As we chanted, "Penn! Penn!", he looked back at us and then began to walk the other way. But when he looked straight at me, a cold cold chill ran down my spine. I got up from my seat on the very comfortable thin carpeted floor of the luxurious airport, and followed him to the magazine rack. And to my shock and embarrassment, there stood, the first real celebrity we had seen the whole trip.....Penn! Well, I ran back and shared the fact that we were outing and harrasing a star in public......then we laughed. Alot!

Eventually his partner came too, and we got pictures and autographs. And I'll never forget what Penn said to me. He looked at my personally decorated backpack and said, "Hmmm, Dishwalla and Disney. That's an interesting combination." It's true, that's a weird combination, almost a hypocrasy. I'm glad he pointed it out. Changed my life! Well, no it didn't, but for some reason I never forgot. What was my point, oh yeah, they called the cops and sued us for harrasment, but we got off with community service......just kidding, I spent six months in juvie. .......just kidding again, great! now you'll never trust me. Well, just don't scream at people that look like celebrties, you never know man! (It is a fun game though)
