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Gypsy's Page

Gypsy came into our lives in 1993. My neighbors decided to purchase a doberman pup that was listed in a local classified ad. They asked me to ride along to help them choose a new pup for their children. Gypsy failed every puppy test known to man, but they insisted on her anyway. At approx 6 weeks of age, she snapped and growled at their children. She trembled and tried to hide. I think that they mistook this behavior as an animal that could be trained to become a good watchdog. Soon after their taking the pup home, their landlord threatened to evict them unless they got rid of the pup. So, that is how she came to live wth us.

She is probably the most affectionate dog that I have ever owned. I think this may stem from her insecurities. She has turned out to be a beautiful dog with much love to share. I think that it was fate that brought her to us because in the wrong hands, her life could have been much different.

This is Gypsy when I first brought her home.
Innocent looking, isn't she?

Gypsy at 3 months
playing with Sheeba

Like all good dobies, she likes to be tucked in after a hard day of playing.

I Will
Take You

Gypsy's favorite things