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Stupid Mutt

A small boy is given a box from his parents,their mouths smiling wide for their son's reaction to see what's inside.

The boy tears away the paper and holds the gift up, squirming and licking the boy's face, a small nine-week-old pup.

To the parents dismay, the child did not laugh & made no sound "Everyone has a dog", he sighed as he dropped the puppy down.

"I want that new video game that my friends don't have, King Tut. Now that's a Christmas gift, not a stupid mutt!"

The temper tantrum wore off; the child played with his new toys under the tree,
the puppy tugged at his pants, barking, "Come play with me!"

The little pup was small with baby fluff,
just enough to make the boy smile, but puppy hood was short & the bond was only for a little while.

The child was in school, the parents at work, and the dog was always alone, he teethed on the dining room chairs, since there were no chew bones.

He soiled in the house, no time to paper train, when the family came home, they yelled at the stains.

"Stupid mutt, just a nuisance! Outside you go!" yelled the father, the scared dog whined, it wasn't his fault they didn't bother.

For months the big dog howled in the small tight yard, his neck raw & strained, From wearing the tight choker attached to the heavy rusty chain.

The bowl always out of reach, even with no food, since the boy only fed him when he was in the mood.

The dog fell asleep on the dirt always after a cry, his ribs coming through, his coat & throat always dry.

The dog would pace to & fro, whenever he greeted his family, there was a harsh
" Stupid mutt, get down! No!"

Tail wagging, he licked them over to show his love, but with cold hands they give the bewildered dog a shove.

The neighbors complained about the family's yard, they could tell, the yard was not kept, they detested the "dog smell"

Again it wasn't the dog's fault, but the poor pet was going to pay, being inconvenient for them, the family decided to throw him away.

An animal shelter worker said on the phone as she swept with a broom, "I'm sorry we have too many animals, not enough room."

She offered to put the dog on their waiting list, but the dog's owner hung up, shaking his fist.

The father went in the yard, the peg attached to the chain was drawn, the dog stood staring at the man who yelled,"Stupid mutt, come on."

The dog's heart was lifted, his heart ascend, the canine with happy whines barked, "I knew you would love me again!"

The dog now by the man's side, panted gleefully in the car, unknowingly the mother & son shook their heads as the automobile drove a far.

Five miles later the dog sniffed the air, strange scents, it wasn't familiar, the rest of his human pack was not there.

Now senses departure, the dog pawed & whined at his owner, begging for a touch, "Please don't leave me here! I love you so much!"

But the car didn't turn around,
the car door opened, the dog pushed out on to the ground.

The poor dog abandoned still loyal, rushed after the car without a chance, the man drove on without even a backward glance.

The dog yelped & whined, lost on the highway, but his life was a short one as a forgotten stray.

For a few hours later, the unwanted dog was struck, the dog lied still next to the killer who walked out of the truck.

The trucker observed the small dent in his truck & flicked off a cigarette butt,
he stared at the lifeless dog & just mumbled, "Stupid mutt".


Thanks so much Gina for sharing this with me!! Used with permission from the author. Do not copy without contacting Gina DeNofa

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