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Check out a few FOODSOURCE buying photographs taken June 23, 2001


FOODSOURCE is a Christian food-buying program. Through the power of high volume purchasing FOODSOURCE is able to buy and distribute quality food items at a considerable savings.

FOODSOURCE distributes pre-ordered food to churches and organizations that are established "host sites." Distribution day is held one Saturday every month. The dates for the monthly FOODSOURCE distributions can be found on the FOODSOURCE Planning Calendar and they are scheduled for one year. Volunteers within these organizations break the food down into individual units so it can be dispersed at the local distributions.

Participants can pre-order and pre-pay for FOODSOURCE food packages by contacting an organization in their area. The local organization accepts orders and money from participants in their area. The order and payments are sent in to the central office by the deadline set on the FOODSOURCE Planning Calendar.

The mission of FOODSOURCE is to demonstrate God's love to others as they reach out into the community with hands-on good news of Jesus. Food is a common denominator with all people. Many people who would not go to church service will go to church to purchase a food package. FOODSOURCE open many doors of opportunity for churches to reach their community.

FOODSOURCE is not part of any government agency or program. FOODSOURCE purchases the food for packages. The food is not donated.

FOODSOURCE does not receive financial donations from any organization, agency, or individual. FOODSOURCE is solely supported by the funds used to purchase food packages by participants.

The FOODSOURCE food package consist of approximately 17 to 20 food items which may but is not limited to: fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables, meats, dinners, staple items, beverages, breads and desserts.

The cost of the food package is $20.00. Participants may purchase as many as they wish. EBT cards and cash are accepted.

Anyone may purchase a unit. This program is not based on income or other eligibility requirements. If you eat and if you like to save money, this program is for you.

If you are interested in becoming a host organizer through your church or other organization, please call the central office at 1-800-832-5020. If you would like to purchase a food package, please call:

Lu Roberts (home) (386) 767-8776 or 788-4870 and leave a message for Lu at:

THE LIVING CORNERSTONE 1835 Taylor Road Daytona Beach, FL 32124