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Everglades National Park < br> The next several pages cover some of our trips to Chocoloskee Island and fishing in the ten thousand islands area in Everglades National Park.I dont have a lot of pictures of these trips, as I was not very successful fishing there.The snook is a very elusive fish ,Jack and Peggy Bowers were the best at catching this fish.It seemed that they would catch snook when no one else could.In probably 15 years I may have caught a half dozen.I had more luck catching redfish than anything else.

This was one of my earlier trip,2 reds about 8lbs. each.This was probably around 1973 or 74,as I did'nt have a beard then.( no hair either) Excuse the quality of the pictures,they are very old.

Fast forward a few years,I now have a beard (still no hair) and I'm trying for redfish on the side of Jacks point.All the best spots had names of the member of our group that discovered that particular spot.I even had a point where me and my grandson and his father caught a bunch of big reds.

Fishing the ten thousand area was controlled by the tides.You could only get back in among the islands during the first two hours of rising tide and you had to be out after two hours of falling tide.Which meant you had about 4 1/2 hours of fishing time.If you stayed too long ,you would be trapped in there by the shallow water and the mosquitos would eat you up.

My most productive trip there was on a September weekend.I took my grand-son Kevin and his father Rick.We had a morning tide and an evening tide,so we could fish twice on Saturday and once on Sunday a.m..We loaded the ice chest each trip with large redfish.Each fish weighed around 8 to 10 pounds.It was one of those once in a lifetime fishing experiences.I like to think this trip was the reason Florida put a limit on redfish the next year.But in reality it was because of Paul Prudhomme the New Orleans chef that introduced blackened redfish to the dining public.


