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Blue Cypress Lake
This is at Blue Cypress campground. My boat is in the foreground and thats Dick curriers boat beside it.Dick was one of our group until he quit EAL and moved to Fayettville,GA.We now keep in touch via the internet.He just retired this year.We both are now interested in woodworking.

This is a shot that Al Diamond took of me as I head north on Blue cypress.The method of fishing for specks on this lake is either slow trolling with jigs or spinner baits,or drifting using jigs or live minnows.I would go to the north end of the lake and drift south (assuming there was a north wind) untill I was past the action and then crank up and go back north again.I could never understand one peculiar fact of this lake.You could not get a bite if you were sitting still while fishing,but as soon as you started moving they would bite.



Click here for Middletons Fish Camp