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Hollywood School Group Pictures

PLEASE, If you recognize any of the classmates with name not posted, E-Mail with name,year,grade,row number and position,to

Names of class mates 1-Left to right Hume Vogt principal & teacher- Partrica DeHart- Emanuel Hutchens- Patsy Price- Wayne Osborne- Hattie Brown- Ronald Hatcher- Norma Jean Kiblinger- Billie Wooten-

10-Shelby L Walker- John E King- Billie Sue Brown- Mary Frances (Sissy)Rhodes- Eugene (Dobbins) Elkins - Angelia George-

16- Bobby Goss- Shirley Jones- Buster Rogers- Alma Hanks- Eddy Long- Roseann Gravely- Johnson (cotton) Wood- Joanna Parsons- James Thomas-

25- Loretta Bonds- Louis (Sonny) Calopie* - Geraldine Lilly - Jr. Walters- Helen Mills- Sherman Richmond King* - Barbara Calfee*- Roy (possom) Wooten* - Barbara Wooten -

34- Joann Maynor - Dennis Meador- Charles(Nunce) Cernuto - Gary Brown* - Lewis Phillips - Patsy Amato - Jeanette Reed -

41 - Pictures Missing Juanita Wooten - Naomi Cantley_ Curtis Sears- Willy Duncan* - Jerry Perkins* _ Myrtle Wheeler - Janice Farley - Ruth Bragg - Jean Mc Kinney- A star* = individual deceased --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Names of class mates 1st Row-Mr. Vogt-Myrtle Wheeler-Charles Cernuto-Patsy Price-Bobby Goss-Janice Farley-Gary Brown-Naomi Cantley-Roy Wooten-

Row 2-Loretta Bonds-Buster Rogers-Billie Sue Brown-Mary Frances Rhodes-Dennis Meador-JoAnn Maynor-

Row 3-Jerry Hicks-Rose Ann Gravely-John E.King-Shirley Jones-Eugene Elkins-Ruth Bragg-Lewis Calopie- ?-Patsy Amato

Row 4-Juanita Wooten-Billy Wooten-Hattie Brown-Willy Duncan-Geraldine Lilly-Doyle Worix-Patrica DeHart-Eddy Long-Angelia George-

Row 5- Norma Jean Kiblinger-Sherman Richmond King-Shelby Walker-Lewis Phillips-Betty Mizda?-James Thomas-Ronald Hatcher

Row 1 Mr. Vogt, Betty DeHart, Wayne Osbourne, Frances Bonds, Marshall Brooks, Barbara Callison, Billy Crawford, Agnes Halsey, Tince Wiley.

Row 2 ?Reddin, Harold Snuffer, Charlene?, Margaret Phillips, Lowell Bays, Virginia Snuffer

Row 3 Frank Gilkerson(not sure), Joyce Jones, Billy Hill, Zena Amato, ?Maynard, Helen Milam, Charles Brown, Patty Dillon, Not known.

Row4 Betty Rice, Kenneth Gathercole Bucky Gill, Betty Link, Curtis Sears, Delores Hawkins, Gene??, Gaye Tincher, Billy Edmonds.

Row 5 Charles Marin, Shirley Walker, Bob Vogt, Lew Milam, Dean Willis, Mary Pillitteri, Frank Jenkins, and Earl Gravely.

5th and 6th Grade 1946-47, Name's furnished by Helen Milam Conner


Left to right top row Principal and teacher Mr.Hume Vogt, Scharma Bryce, Clavel Smith, Barbara Price, Glen Wheeler, Jo Ann Pittman, Billy Alley, Pauline Link, Neal Houston.

2nd row Jacob Jenkins, Dorothy Meadows, Wade Halsey, Joyce Wright, Douglas Collins Mary Reed.

3rd row Lillian George, Buddy Cook, Mary Ann Cline, James McMillan, Betty Wills Franklin Perkins.

4th row Bertha Bare, Lelan Milam, Peggy Almond, Sturgille Brooks, Janice Garten, Kenny Wiley, Carol Sue Brown, Fredarick Smith, Fern Gunnoe.

5th row Ella Mae Martin, Robert Wiseman, Muriel Voies, Clyde Worix, Merry Dillon, Bobbie Jean Houston.

We also had a Shirley Elliot in our graduating class but she isn't in the picture.

Names of students
1st. row L to R: Mrs. Stover, James Thomas, Norma Jean Kiblinger, Gary Brown, Jo Ann Maynor, Eddy Long, Ruth Ann Bragg,Lewis Phillip, JaunitaWooten, Ronald Hatcher

2nd. row: Dennis Meador, Jacqueline McCartney, Eugene Elkins, Jo Ann Pittman, Emanuel Hutchens, Ella Mae Martin

3 rd. row: Angela George, __________, Mary Rhodes, Sonny Callopi, Bobbie Jean Houston, Douglas Collins, Patricia De Hart, Roy Wooten, Billie Sue Brown, Bobby Goss.

4th. row: Patsy Amato, Peggy Almond, James McMilliam, Shelby Walker, Ronnie Smith,Barbara Wooten, Willie Duncan, Hattie Brown, Wade Halsey, Lillian George

5th row: Geraldine Lilly, Charles Cernuto, Pauline Link, Fredrick Smith, Neal Houston, Sturgille Brooks, Billy Wooten.


1st. Row:Ella Mae Martin, Ronnie Smith, Carol Brown, Johnny Smith, Barbara Price, Sturgille Brooks, Gloria Cantrell, Jacob Jenkins, Scharma Brice,

2nd. Row:James McMilliam, Peggy Almond, Fredrick Smith, Robert Sands, Yevone Trump, Sam Amato,

3rd Row:Muriel Voise, Buddy Cook, Jo Ann Pittman, Merry Dillion, Douglas Collins,Betty Willis,

4th Row:Robert "Toby" Wiseman, Bobbie Jean Houston, Kenny Wiley, Lillian George,Kenneth Butler, __________, Neal Houston, James Grimmett, Clyde Worix,

5th Row:Clavil Smith, Billy Alley, Wade Halsey, Franklin Perkins, Lelan Milam

Names of Students 1st Row: Mary Reed, Clyde Worix,Scharma Brice, Kenneth Butler, Ella Mae Martin, JacobJenkins, Pauline Link, Neal Houston, Merry Dillon,

2nd. Row:Johnny Smith, Mary Ann Cline, Lelan Milam, Junior Walters, Betty Willis,Wade Halsey,

3rd Row:Barbara Price, Douglas Collins, Joyce Wright, Fredrick Smith, Peggy Almond,Kenneth Wiley,Patty Hughes, Sturgille Brooks, Lillian George,

4th Row:Glen Wheeler, Carol Brown, Billy Alley, Muriel Voice, Franklin Perkins,Fern Gunnoe,"Buddy" Robert Cook, Jo Ann Pittman, Robert Sands,

5th Row:Clavel Smith, Bertha Bare, James McMilliam, Robert "Toby" Wiseman, Bobbie Jean Houston, Sam Amato


Row 1: Mrs. Stover,Charles Cernuto,Juanita Wooten,Gary Brown,--,Richard Graham,Geraldine Lilly,Roy Wooten,Angelia George.

Row 2:Bobby Goss,Shelby Walker,Eugene Elkins,Patsy Amato,Patrica DeHart,Teddy Almond?,.

Row3: JoAnn Maynor,Doyle Worix,--,Barbara Calfee,Lewis Calopi,Loretta Bonds Or Ilene Duncan?.

Row4: Bobby Sands,Hattie Brown,--,Barbara Wooten,Emanuel Hutchens?,Nancy Holt ?, Billy Wooten,Shirley Bays ,James Thomas.

Row5: Elizabeth Rickman,Patty Jenkins,Virginia Snuffer,Norma Kiblinger,Mavis Bays,Mary Frances Rhodes,Peggy Elkins.
New names sent by Nancy Holt and Helen Milam if any are wrong please mail me,JEK, thanx.

Row 1 Mrs. Mangus-Darrell Hatcher ----

Row 1- - - - - - Row 2 - Sylvia Walker- - Row 3 - - - - Row 4 - - - - Carl Cernuto - Row 5 - - - - - - Row 6 - - Darrell Hatcher - Mickey Almond -

Row 1 - - - Darrell Hatcher - - - - - Row 2 - - - - - - - - - Row 3 - Tommy Mckinney- - - - - - - Row 4 - - - - - - - Sylvia Walker - Row 5 - - - - - - - Carl Cernuto -


Row 1 - - Sylvia Walker - - - - - -

Row 2 Carl (Mel) Cernuto - - Tommy McKinney, Lillian Gathercole, Darrel Hatcher

Row 3 - - - - Reba Smith - - Mickey Almond -

Row 4 - Theresa Halsey - - - - Knarl Meador - -

Row 5 - - - - - - - - -

Row 1 - - - - - - Tommy McKinney - - Row 2 Carl Cernuto - - Mickey Almond - Row 3- - - - - - Sylvia Walker - Row 4 - - - - - - - -

Row 1- - - - - - - - -

Row 2 - - - - - -

Row 3 - - - - - -

Row 4 - - - - - - - - Carol Ercole

Row 5 - - - - - -

Row 1 Mr.Vogt, Loretta King, - Margie Sanna,- - -

Row 2 Barbara Hatcher,- - - - -

Row 3 - - - - - - -

Row 4 - Tresa Martin - - - -


Arbor Day Tree Planting 1949 Observing in Row 1 Are John King, Patsy Amato, Barbara Price,Barbara Wooten, Mary Sanna.

Kneeling in row 2 Wade Halsey,Peggy Almond,Mary Dillon,Dennis Collins,Lewelyn Milam,Virginia Snuffer.

L to R Digging around the root for the removal of a stump are: Ann Smith, Harold Ray Martin, Sue Mullins, Sherry Wood, Rachelle Marion, Janice Crawford, Fredrick Smith, Billy Hartly, Ricky Wooten.

Observing the workers are: Shelia Crawford, Harold Dixon, Patty Dillon, Kenneth Gathercole, Sandy Jones, Roddy Wood, Ella Mae Martin

Ms Farmer taught me in the 3rd grade 1945-46 ,She came to our 51 Graduation at the Hollywood Baptist church and told us how proud she was of us ,by then she had married and was known as Mrs. Trump, fine lady and a SUPER teacher.

Ms. Sarrett was my first grade teacher in 1943-44,She taught at Hollywood many years,also taught music and wrote the Great Hollywood school song, The Green and White will fight,fight, loosely patterned after the WWHS school song,I believe. She was a fine teacher and a Super lady,she is missed by all who were guided by her.

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