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Parker Blues Changes
As the Blues form evolved during the Bebop Era, sophisticated backcycled substitutions surfaced. Charlie Parker used this type of substution on tunes such as his Blues For Alice which uses descending root movement coupled with a cycle of fourths (upward). This type of progression came to be known as Parker or Bird Blues.
Below is an example of the Bird Blues Changes in the key of C.
CMaj7 / / / | Bm7 / E7b9 / | Am7 / D7b9 / | Gm7 / C7 / |
FMaj7 / / / | Fm7 / Bb7 / | Em7 / A7 / | Ebm7 / Ab7 / |
Dm7 / / / | G7alt. / / / | CMaj7 / Am7 / | Dm7 / G7 / |
Click below for the best in free Bird Blues Progressions lessons available on the web as well as links to various examples.
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