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Using A Pick


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Using A Pick

There are three common ways of playing the guitar. Using a pick (also called a plectrum) is probably the most popular way to play the guitar. However, surprisingly, using a pick is not for everyone. Some people will claim, for instance, one cannot play rock without a pick. This is not true! Any genre can be played with or without a pick, from country to death metal. (The lone exception is classical guitar, which is invariably played without a pick.)

The primary advantages of the pick are its ease of striking large chords and, because the fingernails and fingertips are not involved, the players nails and fingertips will remain intact. Furthermore, use of a pick makes a louder and brighter sound. Its primary disadvantage is its imprecision, making muting strings necessary. Also, if the player wishes to switch to the tapping style, he or she must get the pick out of the way, for example, by tucking it between the fingers, or by using the middle finger to tap. (Courtesy of Wikibooks)

Click below for the best free Pick lessons available on the web.

Plectra / Plectrums (GuitarNoise)
Take Your Pick (GuitarSite)

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