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Online Support Group

The NCAPD is proud to support an Online Support Group where parents and professionals can come together to share information. A scheudle of upcoming events will soon be posted.
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Note: All activity in this chat is recorded and transcripts
will be publicly posted in our archives.

Tuesday Night Open Chat
Tuesday night at 9 pm EST there will be an Open Chat. This is a time for parents, family and professionals to come together to discuss a variety of issues related to auditory processing disorders.

Chat with Dr J Lucker

Chat with Dr J Lucker every other Tuesday morning from 8:30 am to 10 am EST. The next scheduled chat with Dr J will be on Tuesday, Sept. 5th. Dr J hosts both the listserv for parents and the listserv for professionals. He is also a member of the Board of Directors for the NCAPD.

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