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Irma, born in Desota County, Florida 13 October 1891, married her first cousin once removed James J. “Manny” Albritton. He was her Grandfather’s, brother’s son. Confusing?

William O. Albritton, taking nieces Irma age 8, Bert age 6, and nephew Louie age 2, went to a family shindig several miles through the woods. On the way back, William died of a heart seizure, thus leaving the three children alone in the woods. When William fell from the wagon, the horse shied and broke away from the hitch returning home. The next morning, someone came to call on William. They were told that William had not returned, but the horse was in the barn. The children were found later that day huddled under palmettos, scared but safe. (1)

Irma and Manny’s children:
1. Solon			b.		d.
age 3 months buried in Oak Grove Cemetery
whooping cough

2. Mildred Cleo Virginia	b.  21 Mar 1917	d. 27 Oct 1975
m. Oakley Murphy		b.		d.

3. Wanda Barbara Albritton	b. 10 May 1927	d. 16 Jan 1987
Mildred died in Fort Lonesome

Mildred and Oakley Murphy were married . They raised and trained horses. Mildred performed in rodeos showing remarkable ability to do acrobatic tricks with her horse at a gallop. The Murphy’s were offered a large sum of money for one of the horses by a Hollywood agent, but Mildred would not part with her pets. The are possibly buried side by side. Oakley had children from a previous marriage, but he and Mildred did not. They took in Wanda to care for her.


Wanda was one who remembered all the stories of the family. She loved to tell those stories to her children and to family at get-togethers. Wanda lived with Irma during school, Aunt Bert in the summer and also with Uncle At. Wanda was born in Fort Green Springs, FL. Wanda and Marvin Shipman married in and had three children. She later married Jule Massey, and he adopted the Shipman children. Wanda is buried at Myrtle Hill Cemetery, Tampa, Hillsborough County, FL.

1. Daphne Maria Shipman		b. 31 Oct 1946	d.
m. Woodrow Junior Hill		b. 27 Dec 1944	d.

A. David Woodrow Hill		b. 10 Jan 1967	d.
m. Kathy Jean Ball		b.		d.
a. James David			b. 16 Apr 1989	d.

b. Jennifer Marie		b. 10 Oct 1992	d.

B. Joseph Dewane Hill		b. 25 Apr 1978	d.
a. Alyssia Marie		b. 10 Oct 1990	d.

2. Bruce Marlon Shipman		b. 17 Mar 1950	d.
m. Yvonne Coty			b. 21 Dec	d.

3. Micheal Athony Massey	b. 7 Dec 1956	d.
m. Rena Lorenti			b. 28 Feb 1956	d.
A. Thomas Michael		b. 4 Jun 1990	d.

4. Marialisa Massey		b. 16 Aug 1962	d.
m. David Baker			b.		d.
A. Joshua			b.		d.

B. Chelsea			b.		d.

5. Mark Jules Shawn Massey	b. 17 Dec 1963	d.

6. Rebecca Bernadette Massey	b. 20 Dec 1966	d.