The window was large. My brother said “Jump” I said “I have a broken back”. When alone at last, my island and its surroundings fell into a deadly silence. I grasped for breath. I walked outside. There was a naked man and a nurse chasing him with pants on his hands. I shut my eyes. I said “O God, give me strength!” “It is inappropriate” said the nurse…” and every thing was fixed. My room, my room… silence. No. It didn`t have to be this way. I stood up. I stretched. I turned… no, not at the window but at me. There I was full of energy … so why couldn`t I help myself? I resorted to yoga. Yes. … that felt good. More push ups, and more stretches. Accidentally I looked at the window again. There was a tree. Was it there before? It didn`t matter. I was hungry. I sat on the bed and had a pic-nic. It followed by a flood of tears. The place seemed gloomy again. There was no one there. Suddenly a knock at the door… I had to put myself together. I didn`t want to be seen in tears. But it didn`t help. They barged in, sat on my bed and allowed me to cry instead. I talked and I cried for what it seemed hours. … There were shoulders though where I could rest my head… there where prayers said in my ears… there were hugs of people who showed love and respect… That was the atmosphere which dried up my tears.
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