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Awards You Can Win

Last Updated: 5/28/01

Wicked Cool Site Award 
You just have to have a site!  
It can be about anything.  
Oh but 1 condition... I have to like your site! 
PSSM Site Of The Week 
Its pretty easy to get this award. All you have to do is be my favorite site for that week. The site can be about anything.
Inner Senshi Award Of Creativity
To get this award you need to have something creative on you site. 
(EX: Something you made up)
Best Site Among The Stars  
This award mean I think your site is one of the best 
must be neatly done, 1-2 broken link, at least five things to do.
Excellent Site Award 
This award means that i think your site is excellent. 
No Broken Links. It must be neatly done
Magic Star Dust Award 
This means that your site is very excellent.  Must be neatly done, CAN NOT HAVE ANY BROKEN LINKS, I must love your site, It should have at least 6 things to do, It must be fun Your information must be correct 
(Ex: Profile if you have them)
Kawaii Site Award 
This means that i think your site is Kawaii. You can have only 1 broken link, I must like your site, It must be neatly done, It must be kawaii
Angelic Site Award
Your site must be semi-kawaii. It may contain 1-2 broken links. You must have at least 8 different things to do including images.
Great  Start Award 
This Award is given to anyone who is just starting out on there site.
Rockin Site Award
You must have a really cool site. It can be about anything, as long as it is cool! may have up to 3 broken links, and must have a nice layout
Moonie Magic Award
PSSM Member Award
Just become a Member to the PSSM club and you auto matically get this really cool award!
Mars Flame Award
This award goes To Any site that at least something featuring Sailor Mars. 1-4 broken links.
Electrifying Site Award
THis award goes to anyone with a really great site. 1-3 broken links, at least 4 things to do.
Fill out the form below 
to win an award
What's your name?  

What's your E-mail address?  

What is your sites name?  

What is the web-Address?  

Which THREE awards do you want?  

Why do you think you deserve these awards?