This site was sent the graphic on Sept.10, 2000.
The web mistress and author is
one of our own Southern Sisters,
Kathryn Morse, aka,
StCatherine Be sure to visit her pages.
This site was sent the graphic on Sept. 19, 2000. The web mistress and author is, again, one of our own Southern Women sisters. Her site was visited by Louise Suggs, who felt that this page was very appropriate for our cause graphic. Visit Resa's page yourself and find out how she is coping with her own illness. You may email Resa from here.
The graphic was sent to Susan on Feb. 25, 2001. Susan is another member of Southern Women. She provides a link to "The ALS Survival Guide". Please visit Susan's page and follow her link. Your support in this very worthwhile cause is vital. While there, be sure to "Sign the Petition to Amend the Medicare Homebound Restriction for Americans with Significant Chronic Illness." You may email Susan from here.
The graphic was sent to Tricia ("Trouble37122")
on Feb. 25, 2001. On her cancer pages, Tricia shares her ongoing experience with her battle
against cancer. Her pages are very informative and inspiring. You may
email Tricia from here.
The graphic was sent to Jan McCarter on July7, 2001. Jan has devoted a page in support of The Histiocytosis Association of America. Histiocytosis is "considered to be an immune disorder, a clonal neoplastic disease with highly variable clinical severity. The over-production of histiocytes, a type of white blood cell, can eventually lead to organ failure. This illness, although at times self-healing, oftentimes requires treatment with chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery". Please follow the link above to visit Jan's page or the one below to the Histiocytosis Association of America to lean more about this disease.
Thank you Jan, for your care and support for this very worthwhile cause.
The graphic was sent to LadyDove on Jan. 2, 2001. Lady Dove has devoted a page in support of
The American Red Cross: "A very worthwhile organization to support. You never know when disaster will come knocking on your door.",
The American Stroke Association: "This organization is always trying to look for a cure and they
have alot of information available in prevention of strokes and information on what to do after a stroke."
The National MS Society: "This organization is also always trying to look for a cure. They have
information about what multiple sclerosis is about and treatments that
are available. They also have information for family members of this disease."
You can follow the links from Lady Dove cause page to each of these worthwhile causes.
The Health Care graphic was sent to Tina at Autism Friends on August 20, 2002 for her page dedicated to providing information and support to parents of children with ASD. Tina has spent a considerable amount of time and effort in her endeavor to not only support families and kids but she provides a lot of information to help the general public better understand the illness as well as the challenges each family faces. Visit Autism Friends and sign the guest book before you leave. Let's show Tina that we support her efforts for this very worthwhile cause. And if you'd like, you may email Tina (Autism Friends) here.
The Health Care graphic was sent to Karen A.K.A. ROSEHEPPER on Saturday April 26, 03. Karen's web site offers lots of resources for individuals seeking information about Hepatitis C.
"With your convenience in mind, I made this web site simple to use so that you can find your way around it easily!
But for all of your questions and comments about this site or any information that I can help you locate on the web, sail-mail(email) me any time and I'll help you find the information or the path that you're looking for through this vast Internet Ocean!"
Be sure to visit by clicking on the link above. While you're there, be sure to email Karen and let her know how much we appreciate her efforts for this very worthwhile cause. Thank you Karen!!!
The Health Care graphic was sent to Nennie on Saturday June 14, 03. Nennie's web site offers information and resources for individuals seeking information about Arteriosclerosis, the disease as well as causative factors and treatment. Nennie is one of our Southern sisters and we appreciate her endeavor to provide information for this very worthwhile cause.