Links to sites that have received the
"Southern Historical Preservation" graphic
from the Southern Women Cause program.

"Gliding into Southern history
The CSS H. L. Hunley took a stand
With a crew of nine brave men
Chosen by Lt. George Dixon's hand

-so begins Rose's "An Ode to the CSS H. L. Hunley". Rose says, "This was the first successful submarine to EVER launch an attack against an enemy war ship and therefore, (although something that any "southern woman" should be proud of) it also laid the groundwork for what is now the submarine division of our US Navy.

There is much to learn of this vessel and the many men who sacrificed their lives so that we could have underwater safety patrols today. They believed in their efforts and even against General Beauregard's best judgement proved that it would work. I could go on and on about this but I guess my question is... Is this something that would be considered for one of our "causes" as the research continues as we speak. Then, of course, what is recovered will have to be restored and preserved for the future of our children's children.

Please have a look at my page dedicated to their efforts and follow the links if you wish to know more than I have included. I was there in the 98 degree sun when this magnificent vessel saw the first light of day after 136 years of lying at the bottom of the Atlantic. To say it was one of the most humbling and breathtaking events in my life is a gross understatement."

You may click on the above graphic to visit Rose's wonderful page dedicated to preserving a part of our Southern heritage. You can also email Rose to show your support for this worthy cause. Thank you Rose for your page and for a wonderful idea!

Rick's pages, "The Old South" were designed "to give you a warm feeling, a smile or maybe a giggle". Rick has lot's of photographs from the South that was. Be sure to visit Rick's pages (click on Rick's logo above) and re-experience your childhood or memories of life as it used to be. And while you're there, sign the guestbook to let him know a Southern Woman was visiting. Thank you Rick. Your efforts perserve visions of our beloved South Land.