- The site you submit MUST be owned by a Southern Women. This does not mean you have to be born in the south. However, you must have a connection to one of the Southern States.
- Your site must reflect your Southern Culture in some way.
- Your site must be Family Friendly. No adult site, no pornography in any form (absolutely no nudity), no sites with direct or indirect links to inappropriate material will be admitted. PLEASE if you are an author/writer with links to your written material, DO NOT submit your site if the links contain material unsuitable for children of any age. The ring management reserves the right to determine "inappropriate material" for this web ring. Our children should be able to surf these sites freely and should be
encouraged to do so.
- No hate or racial sites permitted!
- Commercial sites may be submitted and will be judged on their content for admission to the ring. NO political candidate adverisment sites Please!
- You must have a reasonable knowledge of HTML . Do NOT
ask the ringmaster to add your code or to send the code to you.
- No sites 'under construction' will be considered.
We realize that sites are always 'under construction' and expect
you to use this guideline with your best interpretation and within
- No "stand alone" Blogs will be admitted for membership in the web ring. We are not prejudiced against Blogs and we realize that a Blog can be informative and entertaining. However, we have chosen to allow Blogs only if connected to a web site that portrays a Southern heritage and is suitable in content for all ages.
- ATTENTION AOL USERS!!: If you use AOL mail, copy and paste the code from the page directly after submitting your site. Do not wait for the code to be e-mailed to you! AOL corrupts the links and you will not get all the code! Also, it will not work if you copy, paste to e-mail and mail it to yourself. The code you will receive will be corrupt, as its the AOL mail prg itself that corrupts code.