PLEASE NOTE: All graphics are the same size, so no SIZE change in the ring code you receive is necessary. However.. You will need to change the FILE NAME in your html code to reflect the graphic you choose, as well as the PATH to where the logo is stored in your site's bin. The top logo's file name (white logo below) is the one which will come in the personalized ring code that is sent to you when you apply to the ring. Feel free to change it to any of the other logos, either in the Lady1 or Lady2 sets. -Thanks!

swwr001.jpg (4k)

tswwr01.jpg (4k)

swwr2.jpg (4k)

swwr3.jpg (4k)

swwr4.jpg (4k)

swwr5.jpg (4k)

swwr6.jpg (4k)

All graphics on this page created by SwampyLou
All rights Reserved 2000
Logo size reduced by Southern Women Webring Mgmt 2004
due to load-time and page design considerations.

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