May 8, 2002:  It especially pleases the management team to offer this Southern Women award. Allegiance to our heritage is naturally rooted in our southern statehood. Whether *your* state is one of birth or moving from elsewhere to a southern state and adopting our love of and pride in our Southland, we all become one in the same: a group of SOUTHERN WOMEN.. Loyal and Proud!

To be eligible for this award, you must have a page(s) dedicated to promoting and honoring your Southern state(s). Please note that a casual mention on a page that you're from Georgia is not what we have in mind :)

Recognizing that there are probably lots of state pages already represented throughout the web ring, we will process the award requests as soon as possible after we receive your submission request. But we will eventually succeed in awarding all state pages in the web ring. Your sites will be reviewed as soon as possible on a first-come, first-served basis as your applications are received.

A list of STATE PRIDE award recipients can be viewed HERE.

If you do not currently have a "state page" within your web site, do not be discouraged, as you have time to create your page and then submit your URL to us for review. Many of you have worked hard on your state pages and we feel an award to recognize you (and your state) is long past due. All you have to do is EMAIL us the URL to your state page(s). So submit those URLs to us and please, be patient!!

A sample of the award:

Apply for the SW State Pride Award