VAN ON VAN...  aka MeMa

Hi ... I'm so glad you stopped by 

Daily, I talk with so many great people I've met Online and always wonder what they look like and what takes place in their everyday lives.  And it's always so great when I can go to their web sites and learn a bit more about them.

I'm MeMa, as my grandchildren call me.  I've been married to the same great guy for several decades and have three precious sons, a lovely daughter-in-law, two good-looking grandsons and one  beautiful, sweet granddaughter.  I have now totally run out of adjectives!!

The children are spread out all over Florida, Alabama and Georgia but we visit as often as we can, though I think it would be nice if they all lived on the same street with me;  but, I can't even imagine what they would think of that idea  ...  and,  I'm not even going to ask  *grin*

In a former life, I worked in radio programming and broadcasting.  I went back to college in my late 30's and  became a Registered Nurse, specializing in Neonatology (in other words, babies under one month of age).  It kind of went from one extreme to another.... before becoming an RN, I worked in a nursing home .... in a retirement home .... and then in the hospital as a Medical/Surgical Tech.  This was 6 years prior to becoming a full "Registered Nut" .... and that's when  the real fun began!!! 

I have always loved art and I paint in oils, watercolors and pastels.  I also love any type of craft work and especially enjoy designing graphics and web sites.  Please check out my personal online art gallery ... the URL is listed toward the bottom of the page.  There's many of my paintings and also paintings and drawings by my son and grandchildren.

While I was born and raised in Florida, I moved around  for many years as a military wife and finally settled back down in Florida.

As the saying goes,
"You can take the girl out of the South,
but you can't take the South out of the girl." 

One of of my favorite pastimes is reading Robin Cook and James Patterson's books.  I like all kind of music,  probably because I was exposed to so many different types of music as a child and also while working in radio, which started at the tender age of 16!!!  Mama always called it "The Den of Iniquity" ... LOL ... she was probably right but I had lots of fun anyway!!!   I especially like "easy-listening" music and good ole' Southern gospel.  If I'm in the mood, I like smooth jazz,  classical and rock 'n roll.  Also love the oldies and the smoothies from the 50's and 60's and some of the contemporary Christian.

My daddy came from Tennessee and taught me how to cook eggs benedict and how to buck dance.  The worst time of my life was when I broke my ankle and had to have it fused....

couldn't buck dance no mo'

Still haven't gotten over it!!!  Broke my heart!!!

My daddy was such a contradiction in himself.  He came from a fine family of doctors, congressmen, lawyers and educators.  His mama was a chemistry teacher but Daddy didn't even get to finish high school, as his mama took ill in his last year of school.  He had to give up a scholarship to medical school but he said he didn't want to be a doctor anyway.

He and Mama made a living during the Great Depression by trapping alligators and gigging frogs in South Florida.  As a child, I would sit spell bound while listening to Daddy weaving his tales about wrestling with the gators!  I thought he was the greatest story-teller ever born. 

Daddy could write beautiful poetry, as his mama did, and he "helped me"  with a great deal of my poems when I was in school.  { I do hope none of my former teachers have found this web site!! }  I guess I did inherit "a  little" from my daddy, as I could write half-way decent poetry if I took a mind to ... but I never felt the urgency with poetry as I did with art.  Gosh, I drew in almost all the covers of my books when I was a kid....then I graduated to lined notebook paper.  Once I did a painting with toothpicks, as I couldn't find my paint brushes .... now that's having it  REALLY  bad, huh?

Mama could cook the best collards and cracklin' cornbread around, while Daddy cooked Eggs Benedict.  He was a cook in the Army but I'm sure he didn't learn to cook those eggs that way in there!!!

Daddy could do the best Tennessee Waltz around these parts but could also Buck Dance like crazy!!!!   We would dance around the living room as he sang the Tennessee Waltz. 

He was such a fun guy .... could tell a joke without cracking a smile.  I'm afraid I did inherit his sense of humor.  My friends never know if I'm telling the truth or just stretching it a bit!!

With all our kiddies tucked neatly away in their own homes, we keep our little apricot Poodle and our Golden Retriever around for entertainment.  Having always been the lover of cats and leaving 13 at home with Mama and Daddy when I married, we always had one or two kitties allowing us to live with them.  When Garfelda, the Siamese, and Marlboro, our German Shepherd, passed on to a greater world, we felt content to give all our devotion to this special little Poodle and our beautiful Golden.

I truly hope you feel that you know me a little better.  My hubby says I sound like a .... please excuse his disrespectful language .... a "Southern Hick" .... Lordie, whatever that is!!  Well, what can I say?  That's only one aspect of my being .... I am what I am......

He just doesn't know any better, 'cause he's not from around here .... tee-hee!!!

Do make yourself at home and come back often for a visit.  Make your mark in my guest book or e-mail me so that I know you've been here, okay?


Girls Raised in the South

My Southern Astrological Sign is:

(August 24 - September 23)

Your highest aim is to be with others like yourself.
 You like to huddle together with a big crowd of other Grits. 
You love to travel, though, so maybe you should think about joining a club.
Where do you like to go?
Anywhere they have cheese or gravy or bacon or butter or eggs.


The Southern Zodiac

(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990)

Collards are hearty and strong.  They  tend to wield influence on all around them with their very essence.  Collards love to be in the midst of others like themselves.  Collards don't tend to be the main attraction, but a great addition to any team.  Others, who may be overwhelmed, do not always appreciate the strength of Collards.  Most who like Catfish are also attracted to Collards.  For that reason it might be a good idea to seek out a Catfish for a mate.