A daughter is... a rainbow bubble... a star glimmering in the sky... a rosebud after a storm... a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. A daughter is... hair flying in the wind... red cheeks that glisten in the sunshine... big daydream eyes. A daughter is... a wonder... a sweetness, a secret, an artist... a perception, a delight. A daughter is... everything beautiful... A daughter is... love. ~~by Susan Polis Schutz~~ I love you! You are a shining example of what a daughter can be... loving and compassionate, beautiful and good, honest and principled, determined and independent, sensitive and intelligent, You are a shining example of what every mother wishes a daughter were and I am so very proud of you. ~Susan Polis Schutz~ I become more proud of you, and my love for you continues to grow. I LOVE YOU SWEETHEART! ~Mom~ |