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A daughter is...
a rainbow bubble...
a star glimmering in the sky...
a rosebud after a storm...
a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

A daughter is...
hair flying in the wind...
red cheeks that glisten in the sunshine...
big daydream eyes.

A daughter is...
a wonder...
a sweetness, a secret, an artist...
a perception, a delight.

A daughter is...
everything beautiful...
A daughter is...

~~by Susan Polis Schutz~~

To My Daughter, TERESA
I love you!

You are a shining
example of what a
daughter can be...
loving and compassionate,
beautiful and good,
honest and principled,
determined and independent,
sensitive and intelligent,

You are a shining
example of what every
mother wishes a
daughter were
and I
am so very
proud of

~Susan Polis Schutz~

With each passing year,
I become more proud of you,
and my love for you continues to grow.

<bgsound src="mygirl.mid">

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