It's hard to believe that time can pass so quickly.
Seems almost impossible to be wishing you a Happy 11th
birthday, when it seems like only yesterday we were bringing
you home from the hospital.
We Love You Very Much Hon!!!
~~Grandparents & Granddaughters~~
Grandparents and Granddaughters
share a relationship that is unique,
rare and very wonderful.
The yesterdays of their lives are
threaded together like a beautiful
quilt, reflecting on scenes they each
know so well and which today live on
in some of their most treasured memories.
The relationship between these two
distinct generations has so many special
elements to it... aspects that make it
different from any other kind of love.
Nicest of all, maybe, is that the relationship
of granddaughters and grandparents
is woven with a love that never leaves,
with listening and laughing, with precious
stories of days gone by, with hopes for
horizons ahead, and with the sweet and
special knowledge of how much
they mean to one another.
~ L. Atherton ~
It is your birthday
and on this day
We want you to know that
you are a very
special person
who has touched and warmed
many lives
including ours
We also want you to know
how much we appreciate you.