~Our Teenage Girl~
2002, yes this is the year
Our Breanna is turning thirteen
It's "Exit" our "sweet baby girl"
And, "Enter" our "beautiful teenage queen".
When you were a wee child
You'd climb up and sit on our knee
We just loved to swing you round and round
While your little face would light up with glee.
On nights when to our house,you'd come to stay
A bowl of popcorn on "your" lap would sit.
And you would be there, between grandma and gramps
Dear one, Our lives like a candle you've lit.
Now it's off to concerts,
that you like to go
Just when did you grow up,
is what I'd like to know
For those sweet baby days,
just seem so very near.
Where I'd cuddle and hold you
As I rocked in my chair.
And sometimes I think,
with a tear in my eye
Of how I'd like to turn back that clock
But then I look in wonder,
at the beautiful young lady you are
And I know at the door of your heart
Someday that "special" man, he will knock.
And yes you will answer, then you'll let him in
And the cycle of life, will begin once again
Then you will marry, start your own fa mi ly
And I'll have great grandchildren to sit on my knee
But one thing for sure, you'll be loved evermore;
You'll always be the "little girl" this grandma adores.
~Author Lynn Kitchene~
Written for my granddaughter Breanna on her 13th birthday
~I'll love you forever~