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Your Wedding Day

The wedding was so beautiful
And your Momma shed tears
As she stood there remembering
Events from past years

The day you were born
Was it just yesterday?
Those memories last forever
When I sat watching you play

You’d run and you’d squeal
Take a fall on the ground
Come running to Momma
With a great big ole frown

I’d kiss your skinned knee
And then off you would go
You’d forget that small pain
How your little face glowed

When you lost your first tooth
And your 1st day of school
Riding on your little motorbike
Skinny dipping in our pool

The years they slipped by
You’re no longer a child
The days are long gone
When you ran around wild

And then one glorious day
We watched you make vows of love
To that one special person
Sent to you from God above

And my wish for you
And for your new wife
Is that you’ll remember
To keep God 1st in your life

End each day with “I Love You”
Show your love to each other
Know I’ll always be grateful
God made “me” your mother

Written by Lynn Kitchene
November 10th, 2008
With Love to Shane and Erica

<BGSOUND SRC=".mid" LOOP="-1">

I always try to give the proper credit for all graphics, poetry, etc.
on all of my webpages. If I've missed anyone, my sincerest
apologies to you and if you would be so kind as to
e-mail me, I would promtly see that you receive the credit due
or remove the item, whichever you'd prefer. Of course,
I'm hoping you will graciously allow me to use them .
Thank you and God Bless

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