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This computer is such a wonderful tool. A little over a week ago I received an e-mail from a young man who had visited this web site. His father was on the Henderson at the same time as I was.His name was Bill Adams.I remembered the name but I couldn't put a face to the name. I knew him as "Bones" Adams During further correspondence I found that his father remembered me and said that I took him under my wing so to speak.To make a long story short, I received some pictures today and the memories came rushing back.It turned out that I also had a picture of me and Bill and a few other friends aboard ship. I scanned the pictures that he sent and am including them on this site as a tribute to a friend from 50 years ago. I will be calling Bill this evening.
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The arrow is pointing at my friend and fellow torpedoman Bill (Bones)Adams. Our CPO was Ozey Ozborn,our 1st class torpedoman was Swede Issacson.Others that I now remember were Dago Comfort and Bobby Ruffin.Some of the other faces ring a bell, but it's been 50 years and we all know that memory is the 2nd.thing to go.

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