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I received this e-mail today. This is what has made this effort of mine to build this site so worthwhile. I just had to include it on the site. I have heard from fellow shipmates and Henderson crew members that followed from all over the country. I feel such a cameraderie with all of them.

" I really enjoyed your web page. I learned a lot about what happened at Inchon from it. I too was on the Henderson from 1969-1972 as an EM2. The ironic thing about this whole story is the fact that I was born in 1949. My dad was a Marine in WW2 and got called back into service for Korea. He was at the Inchon landing ! It makes me feel very proud to have served on a ship that protected my father and helped bring him back to me so that I could grow up with him. I wish he were alive today so that I could relay the fact that the Henderson gave him support. I thank you for this site. I salute you William T Sagon, ps, I have attached a pic of my dad in uniform so you can see one of the thousands of soldiers you guys helped that day."

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