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Looking from the deck of the USS Swenson as the LCVP's start out for the landing at Red Beach at 1732hours (5:32p.m.).

The 1st. wave of LCVP's approach Red Beach.

1st.Lieutenant Baldomere Lopez leads 3rd. Platoon,Co.A,1st.Batallion,5th. Marines ashore at Wolmi-do.Lt. Lopez was killed a few minutes later while assaulting a North Korean bunker.

This photo was taken on D-day.We had received some enemy fire and all of our ships opened fire, rapid fire and the scene was spectacular.These were rocket ships firing.After my men and I had to secure our 20 milimeter gun on the aft deck we were assigned to the boat deck with M-1 rifles and had a ringside seat.

This photo shows how much the tide at Inchon harbour drops.This landing craft was left high and dry atop a sunken ship when the tide ran out under it.

A view of the harbour on 29 September,1950.Sowolmido island is in the foreground with the USS Rochester in the center.This was the day before my ship departed for further duties in Korean waters and the China Sea.

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