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Dedication to those who were lost

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To the people lost in today's tragedy,

This is a dedication to those innocent lives that were taken today, September 11, 2001. It's very tragic that something like this happened, especially in our world. Our world, which we thought, was safe, and that something like this would never happen. The world should take a moment and say a short prayer for all the lives that were lost this morning. Those people need to be remembered, and their families need prayers from everyone to help them get through this. So many people lost their loved ones, family members, and friends, today due to the hijacking of 4 planes.

So, I ask all of you who read this to say a special prayer for those lost and the families they left behind. This day will always be remembered and will always be apart of history. None of us thought this would happen, we never gave it a thought. But the safeness we had for so long was too good to be true. It lasted for as long as it could, and something like this was bound to happen one day or another. We just have to face the reality that it was happened, and that we now can't just sit back and take things for granted anymore. We have to live life to the fullest, because you never know when your life, or someone you loved is taken away. Do the things you wished you did; don't dwell on the fact that you haven't done it and that you might be too old to do it. You're never too old to do something you've dreamed or wished for, for so long. We need to stop taking life for granted, and just live life as it goes everyday, and thank God everyday for the life he has given us and for saving those who made it alive.

This day will never be forgotten, and those people lost will never be forgotten. New York City, Pennsylvania, Washington D.C., and the rest of The United States will be forever changed by what has happened on this fateful day. It'll never be the same, it'll never be the safe place we once knew and loved. Our world, the US, has completely been turned upside down. And it'll never be the same again. No matter how much we want it to be, it won't be.

I pray for the person or persons who did this to our country, to the people they killed. I pray, because if & when they're found, they are going to be punished severely for what they have done today. They deserve as much pain they have caused and don't deserve any pity or forgiveness. But since I'm Christian, and a Catholic, I should forgive this person for what they have done. I have to go deep down inside of my heart and find any forgiveness for them. Though they may not deserve it what so ever, all persons deserve to be forgive one way or another. But I believe that a person who does something as horrendous as this, doesn't have a heart and doesn't have a soul. They're not even a human being to me. They're sick, and don't give a damn about any other soul that was lost. They do deserve to rot in hell, and don't deserve forgiveness. But I forgive that person, or those persons who did this. Because I have the heart to, and because it's the only thing I can do. I'm not going to hate them forever, but I'm also not ever going to forget what they did or what has happened! And I don't think anyone should ever forget that!!!

This is my conclusion. I end this here, hoping anyone who reads this has a great respect for those people lost, those people who went and tried to rescue the people in The World Trade Center, & The Pentagon. They're the great people, who put their lives on the line to save lives. They're the people that deserve all the credit! That is all I wanted to say. I end this here. Good bye.

*9-11-01* A Day of Remembrance.....911-EMERGENCY!


Anne Altwies~18 years old~Largo, Florida, USA

Somewhere In Between