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Chapter Eight

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The next day I was awaken by someone calling my name and rubbing my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Shawn sitting there, looking at me, smiling.

"May I help you?" I yawned.

"Well, I was in the mood to see your beautiful blue eyes."

"Oh, ok then." I smiled back at him.

"So, what do you wanna do today?"

"Anything, as long as I'm with you."

"Ok, let's see, we're in Frankfurt. I'll go downstairs and ask the receptionist what there is to do."

He got up, put his jeans and a T-shirt on, and shoes and left. I got out of bed, and went into the bathroom. I got into the shower, and 15 minutes later I finished and go tout. I got dressed in my blue jeans and a light blue tank top. I took the towel off my head and brushed my hair. I put a little make-up on. I was about to put socks on, when there was a knock on my door. I went and opened it, seeing Kristin there.

"Hey, you have the tape right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just making sure. Plus Brian and Kate are in the main room fighting. I called the police and informed them of her fraud. Brian got his credit card bill today and a lot of money is missing. So, I think it's time to give him the tape."

"Well, wouldn't the missing money tell him she is using him? I mean, c'mon."

"She's coming up with all these excuses. She always does and he believes her every time."

"Why? I don't understand him sometimes."

"Because I think he's afraid of getting hurt again. He doesn't want another failed relationship."

"Ok, I guess I can understand that. I just hope he stays out of a relationship for a while. That way, he can't get hurt."

"Hopefully. So, let's go bust her!"

I grabbed the recorder and followed her out of the room to the main room. We heard yelling, both Brian and Kate. We walked in and Kevin, AJ, Howie, and Nick were standing there, watching.

"Brain, look I'm telling the truth! I used the money to get you something special."

"Why does it say withdrawal?!"

"Because I had to use cash to get the thing."

"Ok, if you bought me something, then show me."

"It's a surprise. I can't."

"Kate, I just have to know you're not lying."

"I'm not. Please, you have to believe me!" She started crying, and I could tell he was about to give in. But I wasn't going to let that happen again.

"Wait, Brian! Don't believe her." I said, walking in.

"Les, but out! This has nothing to do with you!" Kate glared at me.

"No, but it has something to do with Brian. And you're one of my really good friends, and I'm not just gonna sit here and watch you get hurt worse. Brian, she's lying and I have proof."

"Les, go away!" Brian yelled.

"Listen to her, Brian!" Kristin yelled.

"What is this proof you have?!" He asked, with annoyance in his voice.

I pushed the play button on the recorder and Kate's voice started echoing through the room.

"Yeah baby, I'm getting more money and will have enough soon, to leave and be with you. Brian doesn't know anything. That idiot, he is so stupid! And thank god for that. This is so easy. He doesn't suspect a thing. He'll be nothing when I'm done with him…" The tape stopped and I looked at Brian and he had the look of hurt all over his face. I felt so bad for doing that, but he had a right to know. He didn't need to live in Kate's lies anymore. I looked at Kate, and she had this look of rage in her eyes.

"You bitch! You ruined everything!" She walked up to me and slapped me so hard, that I fell to the ground.

"Brian please, I was set up." She begged. She walked up to him and tried to touch his arm, but he pulled away.

"Don't touch me! Just get away from me! I never want to see your face again!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Littrell. You won't be seeing her for quite some time. Kate Lopez, you're under arrest for fraud and stealing money." Two police officers walked in. One walked up to her, and handcuffed her.


"No buts, let's go."

"Les McNally you're going to pay for this!" She yelled, as they pulled her away.

Kevin came over to me and helped me up.

"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, just a little shocked."

Brian hadn't said anything for a while. Just stood there. I walked over to him, and lightly touched him on the shoulder.

"Don't touch me either. Are you happy now?! You have gone and ruined a relationship for me. I don't want to see you right now!" He walked away and went back to his room. I just kind of stood there, feeling bad about the whole thing. Wishing that I didn't do that. And wanting to take it back and it be ok again.

"I shouldn't have done that."

"Les, it's not your fault. You helped Brian. He's just upset about everything. Just give him some time and he'll come around." Nick said.

"I guess you're right. I still feel bad though."

They didn't say anything. I was impossible sometimes.

"Did Shawn come in here at all?"

"Nope, haven't seen him since this morning." AJ replied.

"Oh, ok. Well, I'm going to go find him."

I left the room and went into our room, but he wasn't in there. So, I decided to go downstairs and see if he was still down there. I didn't see him, so I went over to the reception desk.

"May I help you?" The woman asked.

"I was wondering if you knew is Shawn Hicks came down here?"

"Shawn Hicks? Oh yes, he got a room and went up there with his girlfriend not long ago."

What?! Girlfriend?!

"Excuse me? Did you say girlfriend?"

"Yes, she was very pretty."

"Oh." I stood there for a second, just trying to think of why Shawn would do this. It couldn't have been Shawn, because he's not like that.

"Are you ok?" The lady asked.

"Yeah, fine. I'm his sister, and I haven't seen in a while. Could you possibly tell me what room they are in?"

"Sure, they're in room 310."

"Ok, thank you."

She was lying, she had to be lying. He wouldn't cheat on me. I kept telling myself that over and over again. I went to the room and knocked on the door. I had to knock twice, before someone answered. It was Shawn, in a bathrobe.

"Les? What are you doing here?" He sounded scared.

"I could ask the same thing to you."

"Oh, this is a surprise for you." He stuttered.

"Oh, is it now?"

"Shawnee, who's at the door?" I saw hands go around his waste, and a blonde standing next to him.

"Hello, sorry I bothered you. Wrong room. Have a great time here, together."

I started to walk away, when I heard Shawn calling my name.

"Les, wait!"

"Save it, Shawn. I don't want to hear it! What did you come down here for? A quickie with your new girlfriend?! I thought you loved me!"

"I did, but things change."

"Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot! Goodbye Shawn!" I threw the promise ring he gave me, at him and ran to the elevators. I got on, and went to the top floor where all our rooms were. I walked slowly down the hall, getting the room key out of my pocket. I got to my room, and fumbled with the key, dropping it. I couldn't see straight, or even breathe properly. I bent down to get the key, but fell to the ground, bursting into tears. The love of my life just left me for another woman. And that hurts like hell!

I leaned against the door, crying as hard as I could. It hurt so much.

I heard someone's door open and close, but didn't bother to look up. I put my head on my knees, and was balling like a baby. I think felt someone put their hand on my shoulder.

"Les, what's wrong? What happened?" I heard Brian's voice, but didn't respond.

"Les, you're not crying because of what I said, are you? I'm sorry, I was upset."

I shook my head no, but couldn't talk.

"Then what is it? What happened?"

I looked up and was met with his blue eyes. Tears just poured down my face.

"Shawn and I broke up." I managed to get out.

"What? What do you mean?"

"He…he cheated on me with some blonde. I just found them together." I sobbed.

"That bastard! He shouldn't have done that to you."

"I guess I just got too boring for him. He wanted someone younger and more beautiful."

"Les, you're wrong. You're young and very beautiful. He's the idiot for leaving you."

"No, now I understand why he wanted me to go on this trip so badly. It makes perfect sense now. I should have known."

I cried harder, and Brian just hugged me and rocked me back and forth. Trying to calm me down and telling me that it wasn't me, it was him. But I didn't want to believe him.

"I want out of this hotel and as far away from him as possible."

"Ok, we're leaving in about an hour. Do you think you can wait that long?"

"Yeah, I gotta pack anyway." I sniffled.

"Are you going to be ok?"

"Not really, but I'll manage for an hour."

He hugged me one last time, and then helped me up. He opened my door for me.

"Thank you, Brian. I'm really sorry about what I did earlier. I didn't want to hurt you."

"It's ok, Les. You did what you thought was best for me. I was beginning to believe everyone before that anyway. I don't know why I got so mad."

"It's ok. You're allowed to get mad. It's only natural."

"I guess. Well, I'll be here in an hour to help you with your stuff."

"Ok." I watched him walk to his room and I slowly walked into mine. I wanted out of Frankfurt so badly, and didn't want to come back.

I got out my belongings that I brought up here and packed them. As I was packing, I found one of Shawn's old shirts that I wore to bed sometimes. I picked it up and smelled it. It still smelled like him, and that just made me start balling again. I sat at the end of the bed, hugging the shirt, crying. I didn't know what to do. I loved him so much, and I thought he loved me too. He could have been man enough and told me he didn't love me anymore, instead of going behind my back and cheat on me. But that's what always happens to me. Once I get used to something, it leaves me or just blows up in my face. I'm 24 years old and I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. I can't handle that.

Just thinking about that, brought more tears to my eyes. I sat there for a few more minutes and cried. I calmed down enough to finish packing the few things I brought up here. I packed all my make-up, clothes, laptop, and CD's that I had. I just finished when there was a knock on the door. I walked over to it and opened it, seeing Brian there, with his suitcase.

"Hey, are you ready?" He asked, softly.

"Yeah." I replied quietly. I wasn't able to talk louder than that, because I was afraid I'd start crying again.

He helped me with my stuff and we walked down to the elevators in silence. We got on and he pushed the button for the lobby.

"Where are the others?"

"They're already down there."

"Oh, do they know about Shawn & I yet?"

"Nope, I haven't told them. I didn't know if you wanted me to tell them or not."

I just nodded.

"Do you mind telling them? I don't think I can."

"Sure, I don't mind at all." He gave me a sincere smile, just as we reached the floor. We got off the elevator and walked out of the front door to the bus. Nick, Shayla, AJ, and Howie were playing hacky sack.

"Hey Les, catch!" I heard Nick say. I looked up just in time to see the hacky sack heading straight for me. I caught it and handed it to Howie, as I walked onto the bus. I felt bad, but I couldn't have fun. I didn't feel like it. I sat at the table in the kitchen, feeling numb. I heard someone run on the bus and over to me. I noticed it was Shayla, and she hugged me.

"Les, I'm so sorry! That jerk, I can't believe he did that to you. He should go to hell!"

I only nodded, as tears started to well up in my eyes. Howie, AJ, Nick, and Brian came on the bus, which meant everyone was on the bus, so we started moving. I heard laughter from the entertainment room, and heard Kevin come into the kitchen.

"Hey guys, you gotta see what the girls are doing. They're playing your N64 Nick, it's funny as hell."

"That's cool, Kev." AJ said. I guess Kevin noticed all the worried faces on AJ, Nick, Howie, Brian, and Shayla. Because he looked at me and his smile went away, turning into worry.

"Les, what's wrong?"

I couldn't talk, because I was on the verge of crying and Brian noticed, so he spoke for me.

"She and Shawn broke up. It turned out that he was cheating on her."

"What?! That asshole! Why didn't you tell me sooner? I would have killed him."

"That's what we didn't tell you." I choked out, trying to hold the tears in, but failing terribly. The tears just started over flowing.

"Oh Les, I'm sorry, honey. I wish I could make it better." Kevin hugged me, trying to soothe my pain.

"It's ok, I'll manage." I said, getting up and walking to the bunks, climbing into mine. I hated this feeling it was just an empty feeling. Depressing at most, and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and fade away. I didn't want to live anymore. But that's expectable, right? I mean, everyone is like that when the love of their life leaves you for another person. It's normal. Or so I wanted to believe.

I wanted to hate Shawn, I wanted to kill him like everyone else did an have him rot in hell. But I still love him, and it'll be forever before I even think about getting over him.

I laid in my bunk, and cried silently into my pillow. I didn't know what else to do, but sit there and cry…

Chapter Nine