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Chapter Four

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Chapter Four:

A few more days went by and we were in somewhere in North Dakota. I lost track of where we were. I had been with the guys for about a week and a half. And in that week & and half, I had gotten a total of maybe 48 hours of sleep, maybe not even that. They whole Kate thing was making me feel guilty and there were so many times I wanted to tell Brian, but couldn’t because he would take it the wrong way. This was so hard, and I didn’t know what to do.

It was around 3am and yet again I couldn’t sleep. We were in a hotel in I guess Fargo. This lack of sleep wasn’t helping any. If I couldn’t sleep, then I wasn’t going to stay in my room. I put my bathing suit on, grabbed a towel and went downstairs and went to the pool that was inside. I decided to swim to help with my thinking. I jumped in and did a few laps. I was on my 10th lap when someone yelled at me.

"Hey Les! Les!"

I stopped and turned around. Brian was standing on the other end. I swam over to him and leaned against the ledge.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked. He kneeled down beside me.

"I couldn’t sleep. So I took a walk around the hotel and saw someone swimming in the pool and noticed it was you. What are you doing up?"

"Couldn’t sleep either. So I decided to take a swim." I climbed out of the pool, walked over to the bench I put my towel on and dried myself off.

"Have you slept much since you came on this tour?" He walked next to me.

"Um, not really. I’m not used to the whole traveling thing yet. But don’t worry, I’ll get used to it eventually."

"Ok, I was just checking. Because you look exhausted."

"That is another problem. You know how you can be too tired to sleep. That’s how I am."

"Oh, Ok. Well, usually when I can’t sleep I have too much on my mind and I think too much where I just can’t fall asleep. I know not everyone is like that."

"I know. Is that why you couldn’t sleep? Thinking too much?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Oh, what were you thinking about?"

"My relationship with Kate and where it’s heading. I mean it’s great and she’s wonderful. But at times she can be too demanding, you know?"

"Yeah, I do."

Boy, what to do, what to do? Tell him or not tell him?

"I’m just trying to figure out what to do. I love her, or I think I do. Sorry, I’m not making much sense."

"No, it’s ok. I understand."

"So, is there something bothering you? You just seem like you’re worried about something. I mean I don’t know you that well, but I can tell when a person is worried."

Ok, the hell with keeping it from him. I know he won’t believe me, but at least I’ll tell him.

"Actually there is something bothering me. About a week ago I was on the bus. I couldn’t sleep, so I went into the entertainment room and I walked over to the kitchen and was about to go in when I saw Kate talking on the phone. I was going to give her some privacy when I heard her say something that totally caught me off guard."

I sat down on the bench, not looking at Brian. I was too afraid to look at him. I felt him sit next to me.

"What did she say?" He asked.

"Brian, I don’t know if you’ll believe me or not. I just hope you do. I heard her talking to some other guy, saying that she had you wrapped around her finger and that she was going to take your money. Brian, Kate is using you for your money."

He didn’t say anything at first, but stood up and faced his back towards me.


"No, that’s not true. The other guys don’t like her and say the same thing. I never thought you would too."

"Brian, if we all say that, wouldn’t you think it was true?"

"No, because Kate wouldn’t do that to me. She loves me. She just wouldn’t. Why would you lie about something like that?!"

"I’m not! It was that night on the bus when you asked why I was standing at the kitchen door. She was talking to that guy."

"She was talking to her friends. Why do you have to be like the others?"

"But they’re telling the truth. Look, you have to admit she takes your credit cards a lot. Yesterday she supposedly went shopping with your credit card, but didn’t come back with anything."

"That’s because she didn’t buy anything. She couldn’t find anything she wanted."

"No, that’s not true. Check your bill and I’m sure you’ll find money missing. Why do you have to buy her things she wants? Doesn’t she have a job?"

"Yes, but she’s saving for a new car."

"Whatever. Why don’t you believe me?"

"Because it’s not true. Kate wouldn’t do that. You’re lying and I’m tired of people disliking her. She’s sweet, sincere, loving and caring. You’re just jealous."

"Jealous of what? A rude, conniving little bitch? I don’t think so! I have a wonderful boyfriend, who by the way DOESN’T USE ME!"

"Yeah, well aren’t you special?! Just stay out of my life and out of Kate’s. You’re wrong and I can’t believe you would do something like this." He started to walk away.

"Brian, don’t do this. I’m just trying to help."

"Don’t, you’ve helped enough. I don’t want to talk to you right now." He walked away and I sat back on the bench, putting my head in my hands.

My god, he is so hung over with her. Why can’t the just realize that it’s true? What the hell is wrong with him?! I guess I’ll never know, because he’s not talking to me. Isn’t that great? Well, I won’t be sleeping for a while. This just makes me feel worse.

I got up and went back upstairs to my room. I jumped into the shower and when I got out it was 4:40am. I wasn’t tired, so I got my laptop out and started playing games.

You’d think maybe this would give me an idea for story, but nope, it hasn’t.

I played games, surfed the net, and wrote Janie the longest email ever. It was 7:05 when I turned my computer off and just as I turned the TV on, there was a knock at my room. I got up and opened it, seeing Kate standing there, looking all panic stricken.

"Have you seen Brian?" She asked, as a tear streamed down her cheek.

"Not since 3 this morning. Why?"

"Because he wasn’t in the room when I woke up."

"Oh, well he probably went to get an early breakfast. Look, it’s early and I’m tired. He’ll show up, so don’t worry."

"If he calls you or anything, would you let me know?"

"Why would he call me?"

"Because you’re his friend. He told me you’re like his best friend, other than Nick and I. So, that’s why."

"Oh, well if he does I’ll be sure to tell you." Just as I said that, Brian stepped off the elevator.

"Oh look, it’s him. Tell him I say hi. Bye." I closed the door just as he walked up to Kate. I looked through the peephole and saw him kiss her and walk away.

I walked over to my bed and collapsed on it, on my back.

‘Best friend, huh? Gee, I just ruined that! How great!’ I mumbled to myself. Another thing to make me feel more guilty...

Chapter Five