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Chapter One

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"Miss, wake up. It’s time to go." I heard someone say. I slightly moved and yawned.

"What?" I asked, lightly.

"The plane has landed and no one else is on the plane. You need to get off."

I opened my eyes and stood up, grabbing my belongings and walking out of the plane, stepping into LA International Airport.

Why was I here? I live in Daytona, Florida and I’m in LA. Well, it’s summer, I’m a writer, or at least that’s what my degree says I am, and I have a major case of writer’s block. Who would have thought that would ever happen to me? Being sarcastic, for those who didn’t know.

Anyway, I was sent here...wait it was more like forced here. Yeah, that’s the right word. My wonderful friends, Janie, Kristin, and Kevin forced me here. See, I’m meeting Kristin and Kevin here, and Kevin is in this group and they’re touring this summer and lucky me gets to go along with them to help me get ideas. Great plan, huh? No, not really. I left my home, my dog, who I’ll miss dearly, and my wonderful boyfriend, Shawn. But he thought it was a good idea too. Boy, I feel so loved. My best friend and boyfriend ship me off to LA. Maybe it’ll be good, we’ll see.

So, here I stand in a very unfamiliar airport, with creepy people, I might add and the people that are supposed to be here aren’t. I felt very uncomfortable and wanted out of there as soon as possible.

Finally I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Kevin running over to me.

"Les!" He yelled. I smiled and waited ‘til he reached me. He finally did and hugged me.

I hugged him back. He looked good, always did. But I haven’t seen him in 3 years, so you know.

"Hey Kev, you look great."

"Thanks, so do you. Beautiful as always."

"Please, you’re a married man now, Richardson."

"And you had to remind me."

"Oh, do you want me to tell Kristin you’re flirting with me? I don’t think she’ll be very happy."

"Ok, fine. I’ll stop with the flattery."

"Good, I knew that’d get you to stop. Anyway, can we get out of here? This place creeps me out."

"Yeah, sure. Let’s go."

We got my luggage and left the airport in a black limo.

"Wow, I feel special. I get picked up by a hot man and a limo." I teased. Kevin laughed.

"Get used to it. You’ll be escorted in more limos later on."

"Can’t wait." I gazed out the window and watched as other cars went by. We arrived at a huge hotel, like one of those famous ones (don’t ask me the name, coz I don’t know). It was huge. Just made me feel more special. We got out at the back of the hotel, because of fans and went inside. It’s even more huge inside than out, if that’s possible. We got onto the elevator and it brought us to the top floor. We got off and walked down the hall. Kevin stopped at a door and put my bags down.

"This is your room. You can go and get settled. At 6 we’re all having dinner in the lobby restaurant. If you’re up to it, you can come and meet everyone else. Kristin is dying to see you."

"Ok, I’ll be sure to join you all. I’ll get settled and meet you down there. Thank you for picking me up."

"No problem. I’ll see you in a bit."

"Ok." I smiled at him. He walked down the hall and I opened the door to my room. And of course, it was huge. Like everything else in this hotel. I dragged my suitcases inside and closed the door. I laid on the king size bed, just looking up at the ceiling.

"Well, Janie, Kristin, Kevin and Shawn I hope y’all are right about this trip." I mumbled to myself. I was a little jet lagged, but not that much. I got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I took a shower, and 15 minutes later finished and got out. I walked back into the room, in a towel, humming a song that was running through my head.

‘I don’t wanna lose you’ By Samantha Mumba was playing itself in my head. I’m not sure why, because I haven’t heard it in the longest time. It just was. I got dressed in a jade green skirt and a white button up, sleeveless blouse. I took the towel off my head and brushed my hair. I put little clips on each side, put a little make-up on and put my sandal/heels on. I checked myself over one last time in the mirror, grabbed my purse and left the room. I put my key in my purse and saw my phone.

"Oh shit. I was supposed to call Shawn." I took my silver Nokia phone out, turned it on and dialed his number. 3 rings later he answered.


"Shawn, it’s me." I said, sheepishly.

"Les, where have you been? Your flight got in at 4:30 there; it’s now 5:40."

"I lost track of time. I took a shower and stuff. I forgot to call. I’m sorry, baby."

"It’s ok. Just as long as you’re safe."

"Yeah, I am. Kev picked me up at the airport and brought me to the hotel. I’m having dinner with everyone in the hotel restaurant."

"That’s cool. Have fun meeting everyone and good luck with your story ideas."

"Thanks, I need as much luck as I can get."

"Have a good dinner. I’ll call you later, ok?"

"Ok, take care. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye."


I hung up just as the elevator got to the lobby. The doors opened and I stepped off it. Before I could even see where I was going, I felt someone run into me and engulf me into a hug.

"Lessie! You look great!" I heard Kristin’s familiar voice.

"Kristin, I barely got one foot off the elevator and you’re already smothering me. Miss me that much?"

"Yep, I haven’t seen you in 3 years."

She let me go and I looked at her. She looked great as well.

"I missed you too. You look great too."

"Thanks. So, my husband picked you up safely?"

"Yep, and in a limo I might add. I was surprised."

"Good, we wanted you to be. Come on, let’s go and meet everyone and get some dinner. I’m sure you’re hungry."

"Yeah, starving."

We walked into the restaurant and all the way into the back and I saw a bunch of people, one I recognized as Kevin.

"Ok, y’all our guest is here. Everyone, this is Alessandra, Les for short. And Les, this is everyone."

"Hi everyone." I waved a little.

"Well, I guess I’ll tell you all our names. I’m AJ, this is my girlfriend Bianca, next to her is Shayla, girlfriend to the blonde boy next to her, who is Nick, next to him is Howie and his girl Niki, next to her is Brian and his girlfriend Kate. And yow know Kevin."

"It’s great to meet you all."

"Well, have a seat and we’ll get to know you and vise versa." AJ said. I took my seat next to Kevin and Kate. I took in my surroundings and the restaurant was very nice and the people next to me seemed very nice too.

"Ok, so Miss Les, how did you become friends with Kev here?" Nick asked.

"Well, we both worked at Disney. I was Snow White and he was Aladdin. I met Kristin through him and we all became instant friends."

"That’s cool. Where do you live now?"

"Daytona. Gee, Kev don’t you brag about your friends to your other friends? I thought they’d all know about my by now."

"Nope, I kept you top secret, except your name of course. So, that you could tell them everything yourself."


"So, how old are you? You can’t be as old as Kevin." AJ asked. I laughed at him.

"And why not?"

"Just because you can’t."

"Well, you’re right. I’m not that old yet, I’m 24."

"Nope, you’re not that old yet." Brian said.

"Thank god for that too!" I laughed. I looked at Kevin and he had a hurt expression on his face.

"Aw, Kev I’m just teasing. You’re not old. You’re still in your 20’s."

"Thanks, that makes me feel better." He said sarcastically.

"Fine, don’t believe me. I don’t care." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"No pouting allowed Les."

"You suck, Kev!"

"Yeah, thanks. I know."


"So, Les why did you move to Daytona?" Howie asked.

"Just because I lived in Orlando forever and wanted to live near the beach."

"That’s cool. I now know someone, who lives in Daytona, so whenever I’m there I’ll go crash at your place." AJ said.

"Yeah, sure. That’s fine with me, but my boyfriend might not like it very much."

"Oh, damn, you have a boyfriend?"

"Yep, sorry. His name is Shawn and we’ve been together for 3 years."

Everyone’s jaws dropped. What was so hard to believe about that?

"Wow, that’s a long time." Kate commented.

"Yeah, I guess. But he’s just great." I smiled.

"Well, I’m happy you have a great guy. Everyone deserves to be happy. I’ve been with Howie for 4 months now and I’ve never been happier." Niki said.

"That’s great. I’m happy for you."

"Well, you know how long Kristin and I have been together. And I’m so happy I’m married to her."

"I’m glad you guys finally got married."

"Brian and I have been together for 6 months and he treats me so right." Kate gushed.

"AJ and I have been together for 3 months and there’s never a dull moment." Bianca smiled and AJ hugged her.

"Nick and I have gone out for 2 months and it’s so much fun, plus he treats me right too." Shayla said and Nick hugged her as well.

"Well, I’m happy for all of you. Looks like we’ve all found the right boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and wife. That’s always great."

"We’re all happy to." Howie added.

"K, so we got the age, and relationship facts. What do you do for a living?" Brian asked.

"I’m a writer, I write novels. Or at least that’s what my degree says I do. Every since I graduated college, I’ve had total writer’s block. That’s why I’m here, to go on tour with y’all and see if any ideas come to mind."

"Well, good luck in finding ideas for your story." Brian said.

"Thank you, I need as much luck that I can get."

Our dinner arrived and we began to eat and talk. All these guys are funny and insane. Hopefully I won’t have that hard of a time getting story ideas from these guys. I don’t think there will be a dull moment.

We finished dinner and went back up to our rooms. I was still trying to figure out what time it was. I changed into my blue boxers and a white tank top. I wanted to be comfortable. It was only 8:30 and I wasn’t sure if they were going out or not. I didn’t feel like it anyway. I was about to turn the TV on when someone knocked on my door. I walked over to it and opened it, seeing AJ and Kevin standing there.

"Boy, you change fast. We were just wondering if you wanted to go clubbing with all of us?" AJ asked.

"No thanks. I’m not really in the mood to club tonight. Maybe next time?"

"Yeah, that’s fine. Just wanted to see if you wanted to come along." Kevin said.

"Well, thanks for asking. I promise to go next time, k?"

"Ok, have fun doing whatever you’re gonna do."

"I’m gonna call Shawn. Have fun clubbing. See y’all later."

They walked away and I closed the door. I went over to the bed, laid down, grabbed my phone and dialed Shawn’s number. 4 rings later he answered and we talked...

Chapter Two