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Chapter Seven

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We reached the next destination, around 8:00am. We went to the hotel so we all could freshen up. I was special and got my own room. I got my small suitcase and key and went up to my room. I unlocked the door and stepped inside. Of course the room was huge, they always are. I closed the door with my foot and was about to walk into the rest of the room, when I felt someone put their arm around my waist and other hand over my eyes. Then felt them whisper in my ear.

"Guess who?" He whispered.

"Um, I dunno." He let go and turned me around. I looked up and saw Shawn standing there.

"Shawn! Oh my god! You’re here!" I dropped my stuff and hugged him.

"Surprise! I called the guys and asked where you all were going to be. And here I am."

"This is the best surprise ever! You’re the best."

"I aim to please especially you. You’re my girl."

"Yep, I am. I’m so glad that you’re here! I missed you so much." I lightly kissed him.

"I missed you too. But I’m only here up until tomorrow night. Because that’s when you guys leave again and I have to go back to work."

"Aw, that sucks! But hey, I’ll be home in a month. And I’m looking forward to that."

"Good, so am I. You look exhausted. Have you gotten any sleep while you’ve been on this trip?"

"Some." I said, sheepishly, not looking at him in the eye.

"Les, you need to sleep. This trip is supposed to help you relax, and get your mind off stressful things."

"I know, but there is just one problem. And it’s going to be fixed soon."

"Really? What’s this problem?"

"Brian’s girlfriend, Kate. She’s using him and he doesn’t want to believe it. We had a whole big fight about it too. But Kristin gave me an idea to snag her and get Brian to realize the truth."

"Ok, what’s this plan?"

"To tape one of her phone conversations with her other boyfriend."

"Sounds like a good idea to me. Good luck."

"Thanks, I hope it works."

"So, that is what’s been keeping you awake?"

"Sort of. This whole traveling thing, I’m not used totally used to it yet."

"Well, missy you are going down to the spa with me today, resting and relaxing. And no Kate, or anything else. Just you and me."

"Sounds good to me. But first, you gotta meet everyone. I talk about you so much, that they would kill me if they didn’t get a chance to meet you. After that, I’m all yours."

"Ok, well let’s go meet everyone." He grabbed my hand, and we went out of the hotel room. We walked to the main room, where all the food, and big entertainment area was. And where everyone was.

"Hey everyone, I’d like you to meet someone." They all stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"Ok, this is my wonderful boyfriend, Shawn. Which I’ll be with the rest of today and tomorrow ‘til we leave. Shawn, this is Kevin, Kristin, Nick, Shayla, AJ, Bianca, Howie, Niki, Brian and Kate." I introduced.

"Hello there, Shawn. It’s nice to finally meet you in person." Kevin said, shaking his hand.

"Ditto. We’ve talked on the phone so much. It’s time we meet face to face."

"So, you’re Shawn. Les here never stops talking about you. She loves you very much." Brian said, shaking his hand also.

"That’s good, because I love her very much too."

We talked more, and then Shawn and I left to go to the spa in the hotel and get a massage. I spent all afternoon and evening with him.


I was in my room alone. Kate was downstairs, at the spa. I didn’t feel like getting a massage. I just had a bad feeling in my stomach, and it started when I met Shawn. Don’t get me wrong, I think he’s a good person for coming here for Les. But I get this bad feeling about him. Like he didn’t really love Les, or something. Like he just said it, so he wouldn’t upset her. The look in his face, just seemed like he didn’t mean it. I just got bad vibes from him, but I didn’t want to make any assumptions or anything. But if he does hurt her, in anyway, he’ll have to answer to me. She was one of my best friends and no one hurts them.

I sat on the bed, with my keyboard, playing a few notes here and there. I had an idea for a song in my head, so I was getting down the tunes for it and writing words that were coming to my head every so often...


After the massage, Shawn ordered us dinner and a movie. During the movie, I fell asleep. Those hours of missed sleep were catching up to me.

The phone rang, waking me from my slumber. Shawn could sleep through anything, so I didn’t have to worry about him being wakened up. I picked up the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, yawning.

"Hey Les, it’s Kristin. Sorry if I woke you."

"It’s ok. What’s up?"

"Well, the guys and I got back from the concert about an hour ago. And they’re all sleeping. Anyway, I got up to get something to drink, and when I was going back to the room, I heard laughter from the main room. So, I tiptoed over there and saw Kate on the phone. She’s still there, and I got a recorder. Do you want to get her now?"

"Yeah, of course. This is perfect. I’ll meet you in the hall in 5 minutes."

"Ok, see you. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up the phone and crawled out of bed.

I put my robe on, and kissed Shawn on the forehead. I quietly walked out of the room and out to the hall. I saw Kristin down the hall, closing her door quietly, not to wake Kevin. I walked over to her and saw that she had a small recorder in her hand. She handed it to me and we walked to the main room and sure enough Kate was still there, talking away to whoever her other boyfriend was. She had her back facing the doorway, so I quietly pushed the recording button, and slowly walked behind her. Thankfully she was talking loud enough, that I didn’t have to get too close. But I kneeled down, and crawled behind the chair she was in and put the recorder behind her, staying as quiet as I could.

"Yeah baby, I’m getting more money and will have enough soon to leave and be with you. Brian doesn’t know anything. That idiot, he is so stupid. And thank god for that. This is so easy. He doesn’t suspect a thing. He’ll be nothing when I’m done with him..."

That was enough evidence. I stopped it and slowly ran back over to Kristin, running down the hall with her.

"We got it!" I exclaimed.

"Well, let’s make sure." Kristin took the recorder and rewound it. Then played it back. Everything we needed was there. I high fived her. We then saw Kate walking towards us, I stopped the recorder and hid it in my robe pocket.

"Hello ladies, what are you doing up so late?"

"Midnight snack. You?"

"Just calling a few friends to see how they are. I’m still a little homesick."

"Yeah, we understand that." Kristin said.

"Well, I’m tired. I’ll see you ladies in the morning."

"Alright, night Kate." I said.

"Night." She went into her and Brian’s room.

"You’ll be gone be tomorrow night." Kristin laughed.

We high fived each other again. Then went back into our rooms. Anticipating the morning. I felt bad for Brian, but he had a right to know the truth...

Chapter Eight