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Chapter Three

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3 days went by and we were on the bus, heading to the guys’ next destination, which was Seattle, WA. It was about 2 in the morning and we had left Portland only an hour ago. I was in my bunk, staring at the bottom of the bunk that was above mine. I couldn’t fall asleep and I was exhausted. I guess too tired to sleep. The guys were exhausted and they were all sleeping in their bunks, so were the girls. I, on the other hand, was the only one awake, besides the driver. I climbed out of my bunk and walked to the entertainment room and sat on one of the couches, indian style.

One reason why I couldn’t sleep was that I had a bad feeling in my stomach, like something was going to happen. Though I’m not sure what it was going to be.

I was about to turn the TV on when I heard faint whispering. I got up slowly and walked towards the kitchen. The whispering continued and I stopped at the door. It was partly open, so I peeked through and saw Kate sitting at the kitchen table, talking on her cell phone. I decided to leave and give her privacy, when I heard her say something that totally got my attention.

"Look, baby. I’m working on getting the money and I’ll have it soon. Bri is practically wrapped around my finger. And he doesn’t know a thing. Pretty soon, you and I will be together on a tropical island with millions..."

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The guys were right, she was using Brian only for his money and he didn’t realize it. This was going to break his heart. But if I tell him, he won’t believe me.

I turned around to go back to my bunk, when I walked into someone. I looked up and was met with Brian’s blue eyes. Oh god, what if he heard? What if he knew? Poor Bri.

"Hey, whatcha doing?" He had that goofy look in his eyes, which meant he didn’t hear. Bad!

"Nothing, just couldn’t sleep."

"Oh, what were you standing at the kitchen door for?"

"I was gonna get something to drink, but Kate is in there talking on the phone. I didn’t want to interrupt." Yeah right, I wanted to go in there and hit that bitch.

"Oh yeah, she gets a little home sick when she comes on tour and calls her friends and family to help."

My god, how can you believe that tramp?!

"Oh, well that’s understandable. I call Shawn or Jane all the time."

"So yeah, you understand where she’s coming from."

"Yep." Nope, I totally don’t. I don’t cheat and use my boyfriends.

"Well Bri, I’m gonna go back to bed. See ya in the morning."

"Alright, sleep well."

I smiled at him and got into my bunk, closing the curtain.

Talk about feeling guilty. Man, I hated lying, especially about something like that. He has a right to know, but he’ll think I’m just saying that because I don’t like Kate. I hate Kate, but he can’t know that. This was going to be harder than I thought.

I kept tossing and turning and at sometime during the night I fell asleep, finally.

The next day I felt someone shaking me.

"Les, wake up. C’mon." I heard the familiar voice of Niki. "Please, will you wake up? Kevin, you never said she was impossible to wake." Niki complained. I laughed, and opened my eyes then closing them when the light hit them.

"Sorry Nik, just didn’t want to wake up I guess." I mumbled.

"Good, you’re awake. We’re at McDonalds. You coming in?"

"In a few. Let me wake up and get dressed."

"Ok, see ya in a bit." I nodded and she walked away. It was quiet and I was about to fall asleep again, ‘til suddenly I was screamed at.

"Wake up!" A male voice yelled. I jumped, sat up, hit my head and fell out of my bunk, hurting my head and butt in the process. I looked up and saw Brian laughing at me.

"Asshole. Why’d you do that?"

"Because I knew you were gonna fall back asleep. And plus I had fun seeing you jump, hit your head, and see you fall out of your bunk."

"Oh yeah, that is just totally funny. Lemme tell ya. Now my head hurts and I can’t feel my ass."

That just made him laugh more. I got up and walked past him, but slapping him in the arm as I walked by.

"Oww, what was that for?"

"Don’t even ask, boy."

I got dressed quickly and we got off together and walked in. Just as we walked in, miss bitch ran over and attached herself to his arm and side.

"Brian, what took you so long?" She whined. I could slap her, but I’m not that kind of person.

"I didn’t take that long, Kate. I just had to make sure Les here got up."

I faked a smile at her and she just nodded.

"Oh, ok. Well, let’s eat." She pulled his arm and pulled him over to the counter to order.

I just rolled my eyes and walked behind them.

"Hey Les. Come here." I heard Kev call me. I walked over to where everyone was sitting in the back.

"Hey, what’s up?" I asked.

"No much. What were you rolling your eyes at?" Kristin asked.

"Oh, just Kate." I whispered.

They all looked at me, shocked.

"What did Kate do?" AJ asked.

"It’s not what she did. It’s what she’s doing and what she’s gonna do."

"Explain please." Bianca said.

"Ok, around 2 in the morning I was up, because I couldn’t sleep. I was in the entertainment room and I heard someone whispering. I went to the kitchen and the door was partly open, so I peeked in. It was Kate on the phone. I was going to leave her alone, when I heard her talking about using Brian and getting his money and all that."

They didn’t say anything; they couldn’t say anything because Brian and Kate came over with their food.

"Hey Les, aren’t you hungry?" Nick asked.

"Not really. But I’m gonna get something to drink."

I walked away and stood in line. I got to the front and ordered a large orange juice. Just as I was handed my drink, I was pulled by someone. I looked up and saw Howie pulling me.

"Dude, don’t you ask?" I laughed.

"We’re late and they told me to pull you. Sorry."

"It’s ok, Howie. I was just startled."

We walked onto the bus. Brian, Kate, Kevin, Kristin, and Niki were in the kitchen. The bus began to move when we got on.

"That’s all you’re having? Are you sure you’re not hungry?" Brian asked.

"I’m positive, I’m fine. I’m not much of a breakfast person."

"Ok, just making sure."

"Where’s Nick, AJ, Shayla, and Bianca?" I asked.

"In the back playing video games." Kevin answered.

"Ok, well I’m gonna go back there and watch."

They nodded and I walked towards to the back to the entertainment room. The 4 of them were playing a game on N64.

"And how old are we?" I laughed.

"21, 19, 23, and 23." Bianca answered, laughing.

"Oh really? Are you sure? Coz I thought y’all were 5."

"You’re mean Les. I hate you." Nick pouted.

"Boy, I’ve been here a total of 5 days and I’m hated already. That’s a first."

"You did it to yourself."

"Nick, you suck." I pouted.

"Thanks, I try."

"Whatever." I sat down next to Bianca and Shayla.

"D’ya wanna play?" Shayla asked.

"Nope, I’m just gonna watch. I had to get away from Kate. She was annoying me with her whining."

"At least you finally know the truth. Brian won’t believe us. He gets mad when we say something like that about her."

"Well, he loves her. He’s just dumb enough to believe her. But if someone said that about Shawn, I wouldn’t believe it either."

"Yeah, I guess you have a point there."

I nodded and watched them play. About 2 hours later and 3 game changes we arrived in Seattle, at the arena.

They got off the bus and went inside the arena. I had to get a notebook, so I was one of the last ones off the bus. I walked into the arena and was about to go into the lounge room, when I felt someone put their hands over my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice I didn’t recognize, said.

"Hmm...let me think. It’s either Nick, but you’re too short to be Nick and you’re hair is too thin. So my guess is Brian."

I didn’t get a response, but he took his hands away and I turned around. I was right, it was Brian. He had a shocked expression on his face.

"What?" I asked, innocently.

"How’d you figure that out?"

"I felt your head, dilweed. If you were Nick, I’d have to reach more and he has thick hair. See, it doesn’t take me that long to recognize you guys."

"You over analyze too much. You’re no fun."

"That is so not true. I’m fun."

"Oh really, I have yet to see you as fun."

"Fine, I’m gonna beat your ass, Littrell."

He started running and I ran after him, dropping the notebook I had in my hand. He ran backstage and climbed the ladder to the top of the stage. I followed him and we ran around the stage, through people who were setting it up. He ran behind the drums and I almost got him. He ran left and I finally caught up to him and jumped on his back.

"Take it back." I said, through fits of laughter.


"Take it back." I messed up his hair and started tickling him.

"Stop!" He started laughing hysterically, but I didn’t stop. He started laughing so hard that I couldn’t hold on anymore and I fell off and landed on the stage on my back. That hurt.

"Ouch. You ok, Les?" I heard Kevin ask. He was on one of the walkways, watching us.

Brian turned around and looked down at me, with a grin on his face.

"I officially can’t feel my ass now or my back. All thanks to you."

"You’re the one who jumped me and tickled me. Blame yourself, not me."

"I hate you, Brian!"

"No you don’t. You love me. Admit it, or be tickled to death."

"I’m not admitting anything."

He sat on me and began tickling me. Not fair!

"!" I laughed. He continued to tickle me.

"I’m not stopping anytime soon."

"Fine, if it’ll get you to stop. I don’t hate you."

He finally stopped and got off me. I was trying to catch my breath.

"Ok, I take it back. You’re fun."

"YAY! Good." I smiled.

He was going to say something, but Kate came running onto the stage, all panicked.

"Brian, how many times do I have to tell you to tell me where you go?"

"Kate, this is an arena. I’m either always on stage or backstage. You know that."

"I know, sorry. It’s just I worry about you."

They walked off stage to talk in private.

"She’s only worried about your money, Bri." I mumbled. I heard someone walk over to me. I looked up and saw Nick standing there.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing. But just to warn you. Y’all are gonna have to dance over me. Brian dropped me and broke my back. Now I can’t move." I laughed.

"Freak." Nick mumbled. He extended his hand out for me and helped me up.

I went into the lounge room and a few hours later the guys performed. Around 1:45am we were on a place to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Niki, Howie, AJ, Bianca, Kevin, Kristin, Shayla, Nick and Kate were sleeping. I was sitting next to Kate and Brian. I had the window seat and Kate was next to me, not my choice though. It just some how worked out that way. I knew Brian wasn’t asleep, because he was playing game boy. I had my laptop open and was playing Internet spades.

"What are you working on?" Brian whispered.

"Oh nothing, just playing spades." I replied.

"That’s cool. Any fun?"

"Yeah, a little. What are you playing?"

"Pokemon. It’s Aaron’s, some how it managed to get into my game boy."

"Sure, I believe that. Nick’s little brother put his game in your game boy. No, I don’t think so. You bought it; you just don’t wanna admit it."

"Not true. It is Aaron’s"

"Whatever." I laughed.

We arrived in Edmonton around 3am. We got off and a limo took us to the hotel. We got our rooms and everyone went to bed. So did I, and I actually went to sleep...

Chapter Four