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Chapter One

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"Dr. McGrath, call on line 1" My secretary said through the intercom. I picked up the black office phone and pushed the button for line 1.

"Hello, this is Dr. McGrath. How may I help you?"

"Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me how to help my dog?"

"I might. What seems to be the problem?"

"He won’t eat. I try to hand feed him and he refuses to eat. I don’t know what’s wrong with him."

"Oh, well I won’t be able to tell what he has over the phone. You can bring him in and I’ll see what I can do."


"Ok, when would you like to come in?"

"I’m busy all week, but I have Friday afternoon off."

"OK, I have an opening at 3:30 on Friday. How is that?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright, I just need your name, phone number, and your dog’s name."

"My name is Brian Littrell, and my dog’s name is Tyke. And my phone number is..."

"Ok, Mr. Littrell, you’re scheduled for Friday at 3:30. Have a great week."

"Thank you Dr. You too."

I hung up and continued my paper work that I was working on earlier. I looked at my watch and saw that I had an hour left before I got off. It had been a really long Monday and I was glad that it was almost over.

The last hour went by quickly. I finished everything I had to finish. I got into my car and drove to my apartment. I got home, grabbed my purse and paper work and walked to my door. I unlocked it and went inside. I kicked off my shoes, put all my stuff on the table in the foyer and walked towards the kitchen.

"Shay, I’m home." I called out, and 15 seconds later, my baby girl, Shayla, came running into the kitchen, panting and wagging her tail. She was my puppy dog. She’s a Doberman pincher and the sweetest thing in the world.

"Hi baby. Did you miss your mommy?"

She just wagged her tail more. I picked up her empty bowl, got a can of her favorite wet food out of the cabinet, opened it, poured it into the bowl and gave it to her. That made her happy and she ate it a mile a minute.

"Hungry baby girl?" I asked. I was, I hadn’t eaten all day. But I wanted to do my nightly run before I ate anything. I patted Shayla on the side and walked to my room. I got my running clothes out and changed into them. I put my Adidas running shoes on, put my hair in a tight ponytail. I was about to spray my body spray, when I heard Shayla bark. I turned around and saw her standing at my door.


She just stood there, wagging her tail. She wanted to go out and was getting impatient with me.

"I’m coming." I grabbed my keys and her favorite ball and followed her to the front door. I put her collar and leash on, opened the door and went out, closing and locking the door.

We got into the car and I drove to the park that we always went to. Shayla always got excited when I bring her here. She practically pushed me out of the car. I had to get her ball, so I made her sit and wait. I got it, locked the door and closed it. She got up and started pulling me to a grassy area, so that she could play with her ball. I took her leash off. I threw her ball and she ran after it. We did that for about 30 minutes. Then I put her leash back on.

"Ok, Shay. You got your exercise, now it’s time for mommy’s exercise. Let’s go run."

I got on the trail and started running. Well more like jogging. We had been jogging for about 25 minutes, when suddenly Shayla started running faster. She started pulling me in the direction she wanted to go.

"Shalya, stop! Heel!" I yelled, but she didn’t listen. Just kept on pulling me. I finally let go, and she ran ahead of me and I had to run faster to keep up with her.

"Shayla! Heel!" I don’t even know why I bother saying that. She wasn’t listening. I saw her run over to some guy, sitting on a bench near the little kids playground. I guess she startled him, because when she reached him, he put his hands up and stiffened up a little. I reached them and grabbed her leash.

"Shayla, what has gotten into you? I’m sorry if she scared you. She’s never done that before." I looked at the man and saw he was very attractive and had these piercing blue eyes.

"It’s ok, she just startled me. I wasn’t expecting a dog to just randomly come up to me."

"I know and I’m sorry again. I don’t know what got into her. She wouldn’t even listen to me."

"Dogs are like that. They do things on the spur of the moment for no apparent reason. So, what is her name? She’s a beautiful Doberman."

"Thank you. Her name is Shayla."

"Well, it’s nice to meet you Shayla. I’m Brian." He extended his hand out to her and she gave him her paw. Her tail was wagging like crazy. I could tell she liked him. My dog has good taste in men.

"I think my dog has a thing for you. Normally she’s not this nice towards men."

"Well, I’ll have to say that’s a first. I’ve never had a dog have a crush on my before."

"Hey, there’s a first for everything."

"Yep, that’s for sure. So, Shayla, are you gonna tell me your mommy’s name? Or do I get to guess?"

"That’s funny. Not! It’s Michelle, but you can call me Michi."

"It’s nice to meet you, Michi." He shook my hand.

"It’s nice to meet you too, Brian."

"Uncle Bribri, who’s dis?" I heard a little girl ask. I turned around and saw a little girl of about 3 maybe 4 standing there. With bright blonde hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

"This is Michi. Michi, this is my niece, Sami."

I knelt down, so I was eye level with her.

"Hello there, Sami. Are you having fun at the park with your uncle?"

"Yeah, lots. Uncle Bribri is the bestest uncle. He’s the funnest."

"That’s great." I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"Is that your doggie?" She pointed to Shayla.

"Yep, it is. This is Shalya. Would you like to pet her?"

"Sure." The little girls face lit up when I asked her that.

"Ok, Shayla come here girl. This is Sami. Say hello." Shayla walked over to Sami and licked her face. Sami just laughed and patted Shayla’s head.

"That tickles."

"Well Sami, I think Shayla likes you. You got yourself a new friend."

"Yay!" She exclaimed and continued to pet Shayla. I laughed and so did Brian.

"Well Michi, you just made Sami’s day."

"Nah, it wasn’t me. It was all Shayla."

"Oh, you’re too modest. I think it was you."

"Ok then."

"Well Sami, I think it’s time we get you home. Or your mommy and daddy are going to think I kidnapped you."

"Do we halfta?"

"Yes, we halfta."

"But I wanna play with Shayla more."

"Hey Sami, how about this weekend I bring Shayla back here and maybe Brian can bring you by and you can play with Shayla as long as you like? How does that sound?"


"Yep, really."

"Ok." She smiled.

"OK then, we’ll be here Saturday afternoon. Say bye to Michi."

"Bye Michi."

"Bye Sami, it was great meeting you." I shook her little hand.

"Thanks again for making Sami smile."

"You’re welcome. I’ll see you later. It was nice meeting you, Brian."

"It was nice meeting you too, Michi. Bye." He held Sami’s hand and started walking away. I waved and said bye. Then got Shalya and started walking back to my car.

"Thank you, Shalya. You are the best dog ever." I smiled. I was about to start jogging again, when I heard my name being called. I stopped, and turned around. Seeing Brian, with Sami in his arms, running up to Shayla and I.

"Hey Michi?"


"I don’t normally do this. But Sami told me to. Is it ok if I can have your number?"

"Sure. I have a pen in my car. I’ll be right back."

"I have one." He handed me a pen. But no paper.

"Where would you like me to write it?"

"Oh, guess that would help. Here, you can write it on my hand and I’ll program it into my cell phone when I get to the car."

"OK." He gave me his hand, and I wrote my phone number on it.

"There you go."

"Thanks. I’ll call you soon."

"Ok. Bye."


He and Sami walked away and I continued walking to my car. With the biggest smile on my face.

Shayla and I got to the car and I drove home. Took a long, hot shower and then did the paper work that I was supposed to do that night...

Chapter Two