The weekend came and I only had two days to make up a dance, because for one of my dance classes. I had to make a dance to show them my skills.
It was early Saturday morning and I was in my car, heading to the dance studio at the school, when my cell phone rang. It was 6:30am, on Saturday and who would be up this early? I hit the send and put the phone to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Felicia?" A males voice asked.
"Yep, thatd be me."
"Its Nick. Where are you?"
"Im on my way to the dance studio at school. I have to work on a dance for class on Monday. Why are you calling so early?"
"Because I couldnt sleep and didnt want to wake Brian."
"Oh, but you wanted to wake me up? I see how that goes." I teased, holding in my laughter.
"No, I didnt mean it like that."
"I know, just teasing. So, why couldnt you sleep?"
"Just couldnt. Got too much shit going through my head."
"Oh, well if you want to talk Ill be at the studio all day. You can come by anytime you want."
"Ok, Ill let you go. See you later. Bye."
"Bye Nick." I hung up my phone just as I arrived at school. I parked and got my bag out of the car and walked into the studio. I put my bag down and got my CD out, put it into the CD player, put it on the song I wanted to work on, put it on repeat and did my warm up first. I stretched and got ready. I waited for the song to replay and got into the position to begin the routine that I had playing in my head. I decided to do a dance to When youre looking like that by Westlife. It was fast and upbeat, something I enjoyed because it gave me a great workout. The song replayed and I began the routine.
I worked for hours and almost had the whole dance done, but there were still more steps that needed to be added. It was 11:30 and I was about to take a break when I looked at the door and saw Nick standing there.
"Hey, how long have you been standing there?"
"About 5 minutes. I saw the last part of your dance and it looks really good."
He walked in and was now standing a few feet away from me.
"Thanks, but it needs more work. You came at a good time, coz Im about to take my break right now."
"Thats good. So, whats this dance for?"
"For one of my dance classes. We have to make up a dance to show them our skills, how good or bad they are."
"Oh, cool."
"Yeah, so whats wrong? Why couldnt you sleep?"
"I dunno. Just thinking about a bunch of stuff. And you want to know something crazy?"
"Whats that?"
"I miss Becca."
What?! Why the hell would he miss her?
"What?! Why?"
"I dunno. I guess Im used to having someone there, you know."
"Was she ever really there?"
"I guess not. But Id like to believe that she was."
"I know you do, Nick. I felt the same way about Bret when I broke up with him. I wanted to believe other wise, that he didnt cheat on me. But then reality set in, and I realized that he had and that hurt so much."
"Im sorry Becca ruined all that for you."
"Dont apologize for her, it wasnt your fault. It was hers and Brets. Not yours and not mine."
"Ok, I guess youre right."
"Is that all thats been on your mind?"
"No, I just found out yesterday that were going to California to work on ideas for the next video and work on more dances."
"Oh, well thats good. Itll keep you busy. When are you guys going?"
"In about 2 weeks."
"Thats cool. Itll be good for you, Nick."
"I guess, but I dont even know if I have the energy to do anything anymore."
"You do, when you start working youll have so much energy to burn off. Its like with me and this dance I have to work on. I didnt think Id be able to do it, but Ive worked for hours. And Ill continue."
"Maybe youre right."
"Of course Im right. Want me to help you?"
"Maybe, but first show me this dance youre working on."
"Alright, go sit against the wall and Ill show you."
He just kinda stood there, shocked. Why, I dunno.
"Something wrong?"
"No, its just any normal girl I ask to show me a dance they refuse and say they need to work on it more."
"Well, Nick if you havent figured out by now, Im not any normal girl. Hell, Im barely normal period."
"I guess not, but thats cool." He smiled a little and went and sat against the mirror while I got the song ready. I handed him a remote and got into position.
"Hit play, please." I asked and he did. A few seconds later the song came on and I began the steps I had worked out for the hours I had been there. 3 minutes later the song ended and I finished the dance. I looked at Nick and he started clapping. I bowed as I smiled.
"That was really good. Damn and youve only been here a few hours."
"Yeah, well its been working itself through my head for about a week. But it needs some work."
"You have a gift, Felicia. And its awesome!"
"Thanks. So, you wanna work out or something?" He got up.
"Yeah, after seeing that makes me wanna start dancing now."
"Alright well show me something of yours. That you and the guys do."
"Um, ok. But I warn you, I suck by myself."
"Im sure you dont. I can pick up the steps pretty quickly, so if you want during the song for me to do it with you, I will."
"Ok, thanks." He found a CD and put it into the CD player, pushed play and the music to one of their songs came on. He started doing the steps and did them pretty well, especially by himself. At the end I joined him and finished the dance with him. Since I had the dance I was working on pretty much down, I decided to quit for the day and hang out with Nick for a while.
"Hey, do you like basketball?" He asked me, just as we were walking out the door of the studio.
"Yeah, I do. Why?"
"Just wondering. Do you want to play a game?"
"Yeah sure. Id love to. I havent played in forever ness."
"Ok. Here, theres a court near here. We can go in my car and after Ill drop you off here to get your car. Is that ok?"
"Thats fine. Lets go."
We got into his Durango and he drove to a near by court. He parked and we got out. He got his ball that was in the back of the car and we got out. We walked onto the court. We started playing a game of one on one, and lets just say that he plays so much better than I do! But my excuse to that is that I havent played in a while and my skills werent that good.
We played for a good 2 hours and he beat me. But its cool, I dont mind. Ill beat him next time. We went to a store to get something to drink, because that game gave us a good work out, and was a lot of fun. We got our water and left the store. Nick drove back to the campus, by the studio and dropped me off.
"Thanks Felicia for everything."
"No prob. Ill be here whenever you need someone to talk to."
"Thanks, same here. If you want someone to talk to Ill be there."
"Ok thanks. Ill keep that in mind. Ill see you later."
"Yep, bye." I closed the passenger door and walked over to my car. I got in, started it and drove out of the parking lot. I went home and took a long hot shower.
The weekend went by pretty quickly and Monday came. I was allowed to have a few people there for support. So, I invited Steph, Nick, Brian, Amanda, AJ and Dani. I showed my teacher and the judges the dance and everyone clapped when I finished. They said I did the best job, but who knows.
The rest of the week went by pretty quickly. I spent most of it at school, work, and a lot of it with Nick. Hes a really good friend and is becoming one of my best friend. We spent Friday at the beach with Howie and Laura. Theyre both really nice and are perfect for each other. We played volleyball and it was a lot of fun.
That weekend came and unfortunately I had to work the whole weekend. But Nick and Brian came by and kept me entertained, while I worked. And I spent my breaks with them.
Monday was my day off, actually night off. Because I had classes most of the day. I was by myself, sitting on my light blue couch, wearing dark blue boxer shorts and a plain white tank top, watching something on TV. I was about to change the channel when there was a knock at my door. I got up, unlocked the door, and opened it. I saw Nick and Steph standing there. They didnt say anything, but just walked in.
"Well, come right in." I laughed, closing the door.
"We got Chinese and movies." Steph said, getting comfortable on the couch, at the spot I was sitting at before. Nick was on the other side, so I sat in the middle.
"So, you both decided to invite yourselves to my place, huh? I see how it is."
"Haha, funny Felicia. Not!" Nick slapped my arm.
"Hey, that hurt, Carter! I can kick you out, you know?!"
"Oh, Im so scared, Roberts! Im shaking."
"Good, you should be. So, Steph how ya been? I havent see you in about a week."
"Im good. Well, youve been busy with school and so have I. Plus, youve been spending your free time with blonde boy over there."
I had to laugh. Nick just slapped me upside the head. Some friend he is.
"Ok, did you know that its wrong to hit a girl?!" I glared at him, trying to hold in my laughter.
"I wouldnt have hit you if you had stood up for me, instead of laughed at me."
"Oh, you poor thing. How dare I not stand up for you?! Ill be sure to next time."
"Alright you two! Enough teasing and shut up. Lets watch a movie and pig out on the Chinese before it gets cold." Steph ordered.
"Yes maam." Nick and I both saluted her. I got up before she could hit me. I grabbed a tape, opened the plastic box and stuffed it into the VCR, pushing play. I sat back down, grabbing an egg roll.
"So, whats this movie?" I asked.
"I dunno, you picked it up. Read the box." Steph replied smartly. I picked up the box and read it.
"Star Wars: The Phantom Menace. How nice." I said sarcastically.
"Its all Nick."
"Hey, whats that supposed to mean?"
"Nothing, just watch the movie."
We watched the movie and I was literally bored. Though the dude who played Obi whatever was kinda cute. The movie finally ended.
"Thank god, its over." I exclaimed, getting up after it finished rewinding. I hit the eject button and the tape came out. I put it back into the box and got the other tape, placing it into the VCR. I sat back down and got comfortable best I could. I read the box and it was The Princess Bride, my all time favorite movie.
"Hey, this is my very favorite movie." I gushed, smiling.
"I know, thats why I rented it." Steph said.
It was 9:15 when I put the tape in and around 11:30 it ended. Though Steph and Nick had fallen asleep. Steph was lying against my shoulder, and Nick had his feet in my lap.
"Man, what the hell is this?! Lay on Felicia night?!"
The phone rang just as I said that. I slowly got up, careful not to wake them. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the phone.
"Hey Felicia, its Gavin. Is Steph there?"
"Yep, she is. Hold on and Ill get her for you."
"Ok, thanks."
I put the phone down and went back to the living room. I shook Steph a little, to wake her up.
"Steph, wake up."
"Hmm? What?" She slowly opened her eyes, then yawned.
"Gavin is on the phone."
"Oh, ok. Thanks." She got up and went into the kitchen to talk to Gavin. I sat back down on the couch and tried to wake Nick up, but wasnt having much luck.
"Hey Nick. Wake up, the movies over." I shook him a little, but he wouldnt wake up.
"Dude, wake up!" I laughed.
"Having fun?" I heard Steph ask.
"Oh yeah, so much. He wont wake up. I think Ill just leave him there."
"Are you sure? He doesnt have his car, because I picked him up and we got the movies and food together."
"Yeah, Im sure. Ill drive him home tomorrow morning."
"Ok. Well, I gotta go. Gavin wants to see me. Ill see you later."
"Ok, drive safely. Bye."
"Bye." She left and I closed the door behind her. I got a blanket for Nick and put it over him. I turned everything off and went into my room. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and climbed into bed. I set my alarm, turned the light out and slowly went to sleep...