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Hey guys!! Here is anoter story for your enjoyment! I'll update as much as I can, and try not to stop writing and leave ya'll hanging. Anyway, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE, CAN YA'LL SIGN MY GUESTBOOk?!?! I'D GREATLY APPRECIATE IT. NO FEEDBACK, NO STORY!!!! SO, PLEASE WHEN YOU GET A CHANCE, SIGN THE G-BOOK TO LET ME KNOW IF THE STORY IF WORTH CONTINUING OR JUST PLAIN SUCKS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH IN ADVANCE!!!! ( is my email address if you'd rather email me instead). Enjoy, and happy readings!!!!! :)

   Jay grew up not knowing what love was. Her mother never showed her any love or affection. She was abused most of her life. One day she meets Brian, but is scared to trust him. What happens when he shows her what love is where she can't let go? Read to find out!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!

Chapter One