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Chapter One

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I walked into the front door of the small one bedroom apartment that I shared with my mother. I had 3 days 'til my birthday. 3 days 'til I was free from this hellhole. I couldn't wait, so instead of waiting 3 days 'til I was 18, I was going to leave now. I got a bag out of the closet, and put all my belongings into it. I didn't have much, so it was good. I walked passed the dining room, and saw a note. It was from my mother. I picked it up and read it.


When you get home, go to the bar. I need you for something. DO NOT DO ANYTHING ELSE!'

I sighed, grabbed the bag and walked to the bar my mother always goes to. I hid my bad behind the dumpster in the back. I walked through the back door, to the bar, where my mother sat, flirting with the bartender, and drinking a Jack Daniel's, her favorite.

"You wanted me?" I said. She jumped.

"Geez Jay, don't sneak up on my like that. Yes, I did want you."

"What did you want?"

"Richard, can you come here please?" She called.

A tall man, with dark, greasy hair walked over to us.


"Here she is. Just as I promised."

I looked at the man, and saw a huge grin appear on his ugly face.

"Damn, she's prettier than you, Carmen. I think we're gonna have lots of fun."

My mother laughed with him.

"Have all the fun you want with her."

I felt him grab my arm and start pulling me away.

"Mom, No! I don't want to do this!"

"Tough shit, Jay! We need the money!"

I tried to get out of his grasp, but he was way stronger than I was. He pulled me to a room in the back of the bar that had a tiny bed, and reeked of mold and beer. It was very disgusting.

He threw me on the bed, got on top of me, and started kissing me.

"No! Get off me!" I tried to move, but he pinned me down, holding down my arms. He began ripping off my clothes, and taking his off as well. I tried getting up again, but he hit me in the face so hard that I almost passed out from the pain.

"If you try to get up again, you won't live to see another day!" He threatened.

That's when I gave up. He was too strong and I knew he could kill me any second. So, I let him do what he wanted to me. Letting my mind go to a different place. A place that was safe, and as far away from my mother as possible.

He finally stopped, got off me and got dressed. But didn't leave 'til he hit me again, busting me lip.

"You're a good fuck, but not as good as your mother." He spat and left the room. I got dressed in my old, torn clothes, looking in the small, dirty mirror on the wall, seeing my black eye and bleeding lip. I licked my lip, and winced. I carefully walked out of the room, back into the bar.

"Well Jay, I'll have to use you more often. That man paid us $200. Said you were a good fuck. He wants you again tonight, gonna pay us $500. So you better be good."

I just nodded. I walked out of there, not speaking. I grabbed my bag, and walked away. Never to see that place again, or so I hoped.

I walked down to the boardwalk, to the restaurant at the end that had an outside eating area. I walked to the farthest table, near the railing, sat down, and just stared out at the water. Ignoring all people around me.

I had no idea where to go, or how I was going to go anywhere. I had no money, and I wasn't going to hitch hike.

I just sat there and stared off in space, trying to think of a way to get out of here.


The guys and I had a show in St. Petersburg and decided to have lunch at John's Pass. We sat outside, and talked. I was looking at the water, when a girl walked past us. Something about her stuck out, that seemed interesting.

I watched her walk to a table in the back and just stare off in space. She had this beauty about her, and she also looked afraid. She was intriguing.

"Brian! Yo, Bri!" I heard Nick yell. I shook my head and brought myself back to reality.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you gonna order or just stare?" Alex commented.

"Funny! I'm gonna order, dilweed." I looked up at the waiter. "I'll have the grouper sandwich with french fries."

"Ok, I'll be back in a few with your orders." He said and walked away.

"So, are you gonna stare at her all afternoon?" Nick asked.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" I was a little confused.

"That girl over there. You've been staring at her since she walked past you." Kevin stated.

"Oh, well I uh, she seemed intriguing. That's all."

"Ok, fine. Why don't you go over there and talk to her, instead of staring at her? It's the polite thing to do." Alex replied.

I just shook my head.

"Bri, you gotta take a chance here and there. Go, it'll be good for you." Howie said.

"Fine, if it'll get you guys off my case."

I stood up and started to walk over to her. I sat down in the chair across from her. Though her eyes stayed on the water.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked. She took her gaze off the water and looked at me.

"No." Was her response, she seemed scared. She suddenly got up. "I have to go." She started walking away fast. I got up and followed her.

"Hey wait, I didn't mean to scare you."

She started running and I ran after her. I grabbed her arm and turned her around.

"Let me go! Don't hurt me! Please!" She begged, almost to tears. I let her go.

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I was never going to in the first place. I just wanted to talk to you. I'm sorry if I scared you."

She didn't say anything, but just started crying. I walked over to her and hugged her, slowly to make sure it was ok if I could. She wrapped her arms around my sides and cried into my chest. I just hugged her, not sure what to do or what to say. 5-10 minutes later she stopped crying and I let her go. She slowly pulled back and looked down.

"What happened to you that made you so scared?"

"A bunch of things. It's complicated." She whispered, from crying.

"I'm really sorry about scaring you. I never intended to do that."

"It's ok. I'm sorry I flipped out. I usually can handle my emotions, but obviously couldn't today."

I looked at her closely and noticed her lip was bleeding and her right eye, though covered by her long blonde hair, was swollen shut. Obviously she had been abused.

"Why don't you come with me and we'll get that lip cleaned and your eye taken care of? Only if you want, that is."

"No, it's ok really. I'll be fine. Thank you though."

I didn't want to go with no for an answer, so I tried reasoning again.

"Just for today. I'm not going to do anything, I never was anyway. You can leave right after I've cleaned both."

I think that finally got her to give in.

"Ok, fine. But I'm leaving when you're done."

I smiled proudly.

"Good, let's go."

I started walking to the parking lot, making sure she was following. We got to my car, got in and I drove to the hotel the guys and I were staying at. I saw her tense up when we got there.

"You think you're pretty smart, don't you?! You're sick!" She yelled, getting out of the car and running to the street. I got out and ran after her.

"I don't know what you're talking about. But I'm here on business. My house is in Orlando."

"Right, I'm sure. Look, just because you see some girl, doesn't mean you can use her."

"I'm telling you the truth. I'm in a band, The Backstreet Boys. We're big in Europe and just starting out here. But I would never hurt you or abuse you or whatever else you thought. I'm not that kind of person!"

She stood there for a second, looking me in the eye to make sure I was really telling the truth.

"Man, I feel like such an idiot."

She started walking back to the hotel and I followed her. I was completely confused by her, but was completely fascinated in learning all about her. We walked into the hotel and went up to the floor my room was on. We went into the room and she put her bag down on the floor. I realized I never asked her, her name. I was about to ask, when she spoke.

"So, Mr. Backstreet Boy, do you have a name?"

She totally read my mind.

"As a matter of fact I do. It's Brian, Brian Littrell."

"Nice to meet you, Brian."

"What about you, do you have a name?"

"Yep, it's Journey James, but people call me Jay."

"It's nice to meet you too, Jay. Well, let's get that eye and lip cleaned up."

I went into the bathroom and she followed me in. I got a wash cloth, drench it in warm water and soap and had her sit on the counter, so I'd be eye-level with her. I cleaned her lip first.

She seemed to want to stay secretive, so I didn't ask questions.

"Ouch." She cried, when I touched a sore spot on her lip.

"Sorry." I apologized, sincerely.

"It's ok, it's just a lip."

I finished cleaning that. I got a bag of ice, put a towel around it and applied it to her eye carefully.

"Keep that there for about an hour or so and you'll be as good as new." She smiled for the first time and I smiled back.

"Do you mind if I take a quick shower? I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible."

"Yeah, go ahead. And you're no bother at all."

I walked out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I then remembered I left the guys at the restaurant, without transportation.

I picked up the phone and dialed Kevin's cell phone number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hey Kev, it's me."

"Brian, where the hell are you?!"

"At the hotel, I brought the girl here."

What?! Brian, I thought you were better than that!" Kevin yelled. I can't believe he even thought that.

"What did he do?" I heard Nick ask.

"Kevin, you're sick! I can't believe you thought that. I brought her here because she has a black eye and a busted lip. I wanted to clean them."

"Oh, sorry man. I didn't mean to jump to conclusions."

"It's ok. I can come and get you guys if you want. I can come after she gets out of the shower."

"That's fine. We're gonna walk around. Take your time."

"Ok, see you in a few. Bye."


I hung up the phone and sat on the bed. I just stared off in space, not really thinking of anything. I heard the bathroom door open and she walked out into the room, dressed in holy jeans and an old white tank top. Her hair was down and her hazel eyes stood out.

"Well, I gotta go and pick my friends up. I left them at the restaurant."

"Oh, ok."

"You can stay here or come along. Or leave. It's up to you."

"I think I'll stay here and watch a little TV, if it's ok."

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine. I'll be back soon." I got up and left. I went out, got into the car and drove back to John's Pass. I saw them walking out of a gift shop. I honked at them and they got into the car.

"Took you long enough." Nick complained.

"Sorry, she took a long shower."

"So, who is this girl?" Kevin asked.

"Her name is Journey James, but people call her Jay. And that is all I know about her so far."

"Ok, you chased after this girl, brought her back to the hotel, and all you found out about her is that her name is Jay? What's up with that?!" Alex asked.

"Look, she seemed really scared and like she didn't want to talk. So, I didn't ask questions. It's not my business anyway. I just wanted to help her."

"Ok, well that's good of you, Bri. I hope she feels safer now." Howie stated.

"Thanks man, I do too."

We got back to the hotel and went inside and up to our floor.

"We gotta be at the stadium at 3. We got 2 hours." Kevin told us.

"Ok, we'll be ready by then." Alex said.

"So B, do we get to meet Jay?" Nick asked.

"Yeah sure. Come in." I unlocked the door to my room and the 5 of us walked into the room. It was quiet in there. I kinda panicked, because I thought she left, but I looked at the bed near the window and she was sleeping.

"Well, I guess we'll have introductions later." I whispered, pushing them out of the room.

"Yep, but she is beautiful, B." Howie said. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm gonna get ready. I'll see ya'll at 3 in the lobby."

They nodded and walked to their rooms. I was the lucky one this time and got a room to myself. The others had to share. I closed the door behind me and went into the bathroom…

Chapter Two