...chapter 8...

Melissa made her way out to the stadium. The bodyguards led her to a small space in front of the front row. They were worried about letting her mix with the crowd so they left her just above the barricades. She stood directly in front of her friends, and they were singing her praises while NSYNC was getting ready to go on. Josephine questioned, "Have you see this? Like them rehearse or anything?"

"No, actually I haven't. They've been real hush hush about giving things away. It's gonna have a lot of stuff for the new album, so I hear anyway. It's just to promote the album and push the new single," she smiled. "So, I don't know if it'll be very long."

"It would and could never be long enough," Symone added with a dreamy look on her face. "We need to get Lansten out here and need him out here right now."

"You guys are coming to Orlando with me still right? We're gonna have a lot of fun on the touurrr bussss," Melissa sang trying to bribe her friends into coming. They needed no coaxing whatsoever.

"Of course we are. You think we'd actually pass up staying in a hotel for free...while 5 very good looking boys are just down the hall," Vanessa informed. It was the first thing she had said since this afternoon. She was extremely quiet today. "Hey Melissa, what was that kids name, your dancer, with the dark hair..."

"Mikey?" Melissa gave a knowing smile. By the look on Vanessa's face she figured out where her concentration had floated to. "I'll introduce you guys after the show, to all the dancers."

Popping explosives broke their conversation, and all attention was thrown to the stage. The guys stood separated at intervals above the stage. The guys jumped right into an energy packed show. Melissa had been to an NSYNC show, but only when they first were starting out-and boy had they changed. They performed all the number one songs they had released off the old album and rushed right into the new stuff. The girls were overly excited to be there, as was the rest of the crowd. The first song off the new album that they performed was 'Digital Get Down.'

Justin started out the verse, and was starring straight at Melissa. When the words 'You turn me on Girl,' were clearly heard from the he speakers and visibly escaping his lips Melissa and her friends squealed with laughter. The song was a little risque, but they definitely liked it. Nothing could have prepared them for the choreography that was to come.

Numerous pelvic thrusts were shown throughout the dance, and every time it brought a completely different reaction to the crowd. They loved it nonetheless. The guys continued to uncovering new music as they went into a hard hitting, almost a cappella song. The whole crowd was confused when the boys came onto stage in physician scrubs, but all doubts were answered when the came across the chorus of 'It Makes Me Ill'. Melissa smiled up at Justin, that was going to be a definite crowd favorite.

The guys came together in the center of the stage and started to talk to the crowd. "Well, as you all know, we've finally gotten to have a lot of creative control on this album," JC began to explain. "We're worked really hard for this, and we hope that you all like it as much as you did our first album."

The crowd exploded with screams, and if the turnout of sales was anything like the crowds reaction they were going to be on cloud nine. Justin walked up to the front of the stage, sitting on the edge and began to talk to the crowd, the other guys followed suit. Justin looked straight at Melissa, "Now that we have creative control, we've had the opportunity to write our own songs. And sometimes it's weird how songs describe your lives when you don't even know it."

He continued to stare at her, but broke his glance when she looked away. He looked back out the crowd and smiled, "I wrote this song on the road last summer, and I hope you guys like it and relate to it as much as I do."

A twinkling piano part and hard drum started up the song, and the crowd screamed with excitement...

Ooooh Oohh Ohhh
Ooooh I'll be good for you baby
Yeah, whoaa

I'll be good for you
I ain't gonna take my love away
And I will love you more girl everyday
I'll be good for you
My baby girl it's plain to see
That our love was meant to be

I know your hearts anticipating
And my love is on your mind
Well, don't worry i won't keep you waiting
Cuz i ain't never seen a lady so fine

I know you want me to
It's in your eyes, they say you do
They're telling me you'll open your heart to me
Cuz, f you want me to
I'll sacrifice my world for you
And show you the way loves supposed to be

I'll be good for you
I ain't gonna take my love away
And I will love you more girl everyday
I'll be good for you
My baby girl it's plain to see
That our love was meant to be

Now i know you think I must be faking
I promise all these things right from the he start
Don't you rush into decision making
I just wrote this song to tell you my heart

I wanna be with you
And there's nothing i won't do
To make you see that this is where you should be
'Cause baby we can do
Anything you wanna do
Girl I wanna be a part of your fanatasy

I'll be good for you
I ain't gonna take my love away
And I will love you more girl everyday
I'll be good for you
My baby girl it's plain to see
That our love was meant to be

Oooh I'll be good for you baby
I can be good for you
Tell me what you want to do
Baby girl its plain to see
That our love was meant to be

I ain't gonna take my love away
And I will love you more girl everyday
I'll be good for you
Baby girls it's plain to see
That our love was meant to be

Justin's voice was soft and sexy as he finished the song. He had been periodically looking at Melissa throughout the song. The guys ran back stage for a quick costume change. They had only two songs left to play in the set. When they were behind close doors JC approached Justin. It was obvious to him, and to fans, how he was looking at the young woman in the front row, he elbowed his friend and told him to knock it off. Justin looked at him questioningly, "What?"

"You were staring, uncontrollably," JC answered throwing a shit over his head.

"Are you serious?" Justin inquired-he hadn't even realized.

"Oh-I'm serious," JC answered. "Are you talking about Justin's little staring problem?" Chris interjected, he was done getting ready and he decided to bother the two of them.

"You noticed too?" Justin was unbelievably embarrassed.

"Yeah, I think it went something like this, "I know your hearts anticipating, MELISSA, and my love is on your mind, MELISSA."

"Was it that bad?" Justin asked. This was horrible, if they had noticed, then fans had noticed, and even worse-she had noticed too.

"Well, why don't you just try to look straight out this time," Lance laughed.

"I just might do that," Justin said finally pulling a beanie over his curls.

The final songs were quickly done, and had the whole crowd jumping. Fans were so excited about the new album that they had gone out of their way to hear snippets of the new songs, and the guys were surprised at how many fans knew the words. Justin didn't look at Melissa throughout the last two songs, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. Every time he looked at her, she was always smiling and it made him push himself harder, this time he was so concentrated on not look at her he was all disoriented. But much to his dismay the show was over.

Before the last song Melissa and the girls were rushed off backstage. They were straight onto the bus and met up with the dancers on the way there. "What the hell was that about?" Josephine finally broke the silence as they entered the bus.

"Oh, well we have to rush so that the fans don't get too close," she answered leading into the living room area.

"No, I mean..." Josephine was cut off by Melissa's gasp. She looked around her friend and smile at the bouquet of flowers and the small wrapped square in front of it. She picked up the card that hard her name scribbled across it. Her friends looked through the flowers and tried to figure out what the gift was.

"Must be from a fan or something," she said opening up the card. Her mouth dropped as she read over the card. "What's it say? What's it say? Symone questioned pulling the card out of her hands.

Thought maybe I could sway your answer of 'biggest celebrity crush'


p.s. you were breathtaking tonight, SWEETIE

Symone looked up at her friend as she passed the card around, "I don't get it."

Melissa sunk in the chair, still no expression on her face. "Well, it's obviously from mop boy," Vanessa said slouching on the couch.

"I figured out that much," Symone shot back. "Melissa, open it up. I want to know what it is."

Melissa took the small square out of her hands and started to unwrap it, a smile crept across her face as she realized what it was.

"What is it," Vanessa questioned.

"New Kids greatest hits," she replied in a hushed tone. All three girls looked at each other utterly confused. Josephine stood up and handed the CD to Vanessa, "There's a great gift. Look, you just joined my tour and hey I bought you a new kids CD."

"No," she began to explain but her dancers had trampled on the bus. "Melissa!" they all screamed in unison, she excitedly gave them all hugs and they all started to gush about the performance.

"Yeah, so about being quests on the tour," Vanessa joked making sure everyone heard her.

"Sorry guys," Melissa apologized and regained her senses. She introduced everyone to each other and Mikey took a glance at the table, "Lover boys been here huh?"

Melissa blushed, "Yeah. You could say that."

He shook his head back and forth, "You two are too much." He picked up the CD, and looked at it strangely. "New Kids?"

"It's a joke," she smiled.

"Inside jokes already? Damn the boy doesn't waste any time," Chris said making his way to the back. "Anybody wanna play Nintendo?"

"We have Nintendo?" Melissa asked.

"Well, see darling, if you weren't so wrapped up on NSYNCs bus you would've realized that," Dave answered sarcastically.

All three girls looked at her and screamed simultaneously, "You were on their bus!"

"Yeah, we were just playing a game. It was no big deal," she said getting herself a drink.

"Oh no, playing a game with NSYNC is no big deal," Trisha shot out as she started to leave the room.


"Sorry Meliss, I had to add to it, it was just too much fun," she smiled closing the door behind her as she followed Allison into the back room.

"Well, why don't we give it a whirl, for old times sake," Melissa said throwing the New Kids CD into the stereo. The old song filled the room and all their faces lit up with the memories. Melissa stood up and grabbed a hairbrush that she had left on the counter earlier, "We've been together for a long time baby. Do you have to leave."

All four friends were soon up on their feet singing away. The words just flowed from memory, and some good memories at that. The girls had been huge New Kids fans when they were little, and amazingly hadn't forgotten one word. The stereo was turned up so loud that they didn't even notice 5 figures enter the room. They continued to sing on the top of their lungs and being overly dramatic acting out the words.

"You're my bestfriend. You're my love within, I just want you to know. I will alwaaaayyyys love youuu," Melissa was basically screaming now. All four friends chimed in on cue, in the cheesy voice they could come up with, "I will always... Love you girl."

The four girls almost peed their pants, out of surprise, laughter, and embarrassment as 5 guys, also known as NSYNC took over the song. Justin pulled the brush out of Melissa's hand, "Please don't go girrrrrrrl. Please don't goooo darrrrlinnn"

The four other guys stayed behind him swaying back and forth to the music. They put on quite a show, almost better than the one they had just seen. When the song finished the five guys crossed their arms and looked down upon three, bright red, eye tearing teenage girls, that could not even compose themselves enough to speak. Josephine attempted first, tears streaming down her face from laughter, she couldn't catch her breath, "Did you...did you see her...face?"

"Oh I can't believe this," Symone finally got a grip. "I wish I had that on camera. Priceless"

The girls continued to laugh hysterically until their sides hurt. Out of all the people that had to walk in on them, it had to be NSYNC. They tried continuously to gain composure, but each time they would look at one another and just start all over. Justin managed to hush them down a little bit and began to speak, he was trying to hold in his laughter from the second they walked in, "So, I guess you liked your present, huh bubbles?"

...chapter 7...

...chapter 9...