...about the authors...

...about symone...

...full name... symone florensia paolino

...nicknames... symba, sym, syms, moany, elmo, sym-1, sy$-y, symmie, symbolic, symbiosis...the list goes on and on and on...

...d.o.b... march 23,1983

...age... almost legal...aww yeah, 17

...hair/eye color... both brown

...siblings... i have 6 brothers and sisters. they are, respectively, stephan, kristi, christine, nicole, andrea, and roberto. i also have a 4 year old neice named adrienne and a brand new baby neice named rebekah delani.

...friends... lol yall know who you are...

...how are you like the guys from *nsync...
...justin... i love basketball(all sports actually) and i'm the youngest girl of 5, so i guess thats a bit of a coincidence.
...chris... i love my dogs(poco and jax) to death, i play with them all the time, kinda like how he is with busta. and i love to be able to spend some time making someone elses day(if you have ever seen chris in person, you know should know what i mean about that one).
...joey... lol that would be my italian side commin out...
...lance... i carry my bible with me at all times, and i think i drink a 2 liter of dr. pepper every day.
...jc... i cannot stand needles!! i have to closes my eyes when people use them in movies...eww, gross(and I am particularly on this subject, cause i just got back from the doctor, and I had to get a shot!!)

...anything else you want to know?... email me at lanceinblueshirt@aol.com

...about terri...

...full name... teresa anne mccarthy

...nicknames... terri, tei, the reverand irret

...d.o.b... june 29, 1982

...age... 18

...hair/eye color... i have blue eyes, but my hair color depends on how much i've played with it..currently blond

...siblings... one older sister (20) and one younger brother (13)

...friends... sym, my partner in crime, the rglist freaks, whom i love all to death, and everyone else i adore

...where you can find me...at school, (yay UMBC!), work, various parties or clubs, and occasionally at home.

...How are you like the guys from *nsync... Well, let's see:
...justin... I'm very impetious (Don't get me wrong, I just have a feeling he does many things without thinking first)
...chris... I almost always have a ton and a half of energy, and I want to study psychology
...joey...I'm a HUGE flirt
...jc... I adore sleeping (damn school!)
...lance... I'm really good listener, and I like to help my friends with their problems.

...anything else you want to know?... email/IM me at JustinInLeather@aol.com

...take me home...