...chapter 2...

It was about two hours later when Mickey decided that now was a good enough time to go and wake up Steven from his nap to feed him. Of course, she wasn’t counting the incessant begging from Jonathan the whole time, which helped make her reach her decision sooner.

Mickey climbed up the stairs with Jonathan in tow. She headed into Steven’s room to find him sitting up in his crib playing with a stuffed animal and giggling happily.

“Hey Steven!” She cooed as she peered down in the crib. Steven looked up and gave her a grin. “Hungry?”

The baby dropped the toy and struggled to his feet with the help of the bars. When he was standing, she swung him up and out of the crib then placed him down on the changing table. She tickled his stomach.

“Mickey? Can I go get Justin up?” Jonathan asked sweetly.

Mickey looked at the clock on the wall, biting her lip in thought. “Well, sure. But be quiet about it. If he doesn’t wake up, then oh well. Just let him sleep.”

The five-year-old dashed out of the room and across the hall, yelling out his older brother’s name. She shook her head as she changed Steven. Jonathan never ceased to amaze her. When she was done changing Steven, she propped him up on her hip as she walked into the hall.

She stuck her head in Justin’s room and saw Jonathan jumping on his brother’s bed. Her eyes moved from the bouncing boy to the man covering his head with his pillow, trying to somehow stifle the sound the other was making.

When he couldn’t take it anymore, he yanked the pillow off his head and grabbed his brother. Justin pinned Jonathan under him and tickled his mercilessly. Mickey’s soft laugh caused him to stop tickling. Justin looked up and saw her standing in his doorway with Steven on her hip.

“Hey sleepy head!” She exclaimed.

Jonathan squirmed out of his brother’s grasp and ran behind his baby-sitter. He peeked out from behind her and stuck his tongue out. Justin collapsed back down on the bed and sighed.

“Want anything particular for dinner?”

“No. I’ll just eat whatever.”

She shrugged in response. With her free hand she rubbed the top of Jonathan’s head. “Come on, let’s let your brother sleep awhile longer.” She directed her young charge out of the room. Before she was fully out of Justin’s room, she stopped. “You will be able to join us for ice-cream?”

Justin lifted his head momentarily to answer her question, then set it back down on the bed. Satisfied that he wasn’t going to back out on his younger brother, Mickey turned and walked out of the room.

When he was sure that she was downstairs, Justin jumped off his bed and closed his door tightly. Then he headed into the bathroom adjoining his room to take a quick shower.

Mickey set down the last plate on the table. She called for Jonathan who came running into the dinning room, his hands up in the air to show her that they were clean. While she went to get Steven’s food, he scrambled up into his seat and started eating.

Justin came down a few minutes later dressed in a pair of blue jeans and white shirt. Mickey tried to keep her eyes on Steven and the spoon, but she found herself sneaking glances over at him while he ate. She noticed the way his shirt clung to him, almost as if he pulled it on still wet.

The clatter of Jonathan spilling his milk brought her out of her trance. She stood up and reached for the fallen glass the same time Justin did. Their fingers brushed against each other’s, and they pulled their hands back quickly.

“I’ll get it.” Justin said, his eyes darting to hers before he looked back down at the glass. He tried to ignore the flushed look she had and the blush he felt flowing into his cheeks. He grabbed the glass and darted out of the room.

Mickey picked up some napkins and began to wipe up the spilled milk. Jonathan grinned up at her.

“What?” She asked with a smile.

“Do you like my brother?”

She laughed lightly. “Why do you ask?”

He shrugged.

Mickey picked up the soaking napkins, her eyes locked with the five-year-old. “He’s ok.” She finally answered.

“But do you?”

Mickey bent down till she was eye level with Jonathan. “Do you know who I really like? I really like you.” She smiled as his face lit up. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

“I like you too.” He whispered into her ear.

Justin walked back into the room just in time to hear what his brother said. A part of him grew jealous as he watched Jonathan throw himself into her arms and hug her tightly. Justin cleared his throat to let his presence be known to the others just as Jonathan placed a kiss on Mickey’s cheek.

“So...” He exclaimed loudly as he walked further into the room. He placed the glass in front of his brother and sat back down in his seat.

Mickey scrambled to her feet and took her place back in front of Steven. Jonathan turned back around and finished eating. By the time she finished feeding the baby, both Justin and Jonathan were finished.

“Here, let me take him.” Justin offered picking up his youngest brother. “That way you can eat in peace.”

Mickey smiled up at him gratefully. “Thanks Justin. If you want, you can put him in the play pen.”

He shook his head. “I rather play with him. It’s been awhile.”

“Ok, good.” She answered as he walked out of the room. She turned her gaze to the five-year-old still sitting in his chair. “Why don’t you go and play outside for a bit?”

Jonathan shrugged. “Should I?”

She grinned. “Do you want to?”

He played with the edge of his plate. “Can I wait here with you until you’re done?” He asked softly, his eyes on the table.

Not knowing any other response, Mickey agreed.

While she ate, Jonathan swung his feet from his chair, his voice full of excitement as he talked about his older brother. Mickey had to laugh at all the things that he wanted to do with Justin. But one thing stopped her. Everything he wanted to do with Justin, he wanted her to be with him.

“And I wanna go to Disney with you. We can go into the Haunted House and you can sit next to me!” He exclaimed joyfully.

Mickey smiled. “What about Justin?”

“Oh, he can sit behind us! I wanna sit with you and only you.”

Just then, Justin decided to walk back into the dining room holding his youngest brother. His face flashed with pain when he heard Jonathan’s remark. Mickey heard Steven’s giggle and looked up. She saw the pain on Justin’s face before he masked it with a stony expression. Steven moved uncomfortably in his older brother’s arms as they tightened around him. He let out a soft whimper, but it went unnoticed by Justin.

Mickey got up from her seat and took Steven from Justin. She tried to muster an apology for what Jonathan said, but nothing came out. Her face shined with regret, drawing Justin’s eyes to her. He met her gaze for a moment before he turned on his heel and walked away.

She stood there frozen for a moment, listening to his footsteps on the stairs. When his door slammed shut, she jumped in surprise.

“Mickey, can we go for ice cream now?” Jonathan asked, tugging on her hand.

Mickey brought her eyes down to his. “Sure.”

Jonathan grinned. “I’ll go get Justin!” He shouted.

She quickly placed a hand on his shoulder. “Let me go do it, ok?”

He shrugged. “Ok.”

After she set Steven in his playpen and gave something to Jonathan to occupy his attention until they had to leave, she climbed up the stairs and stood outside of Justin’s room. She tapped lightly on the door, but received no answer. She tried again, but with no luck either, so she just slowly turned the knob and opened the door. She slid inside the room, then closed the door behind her.

Justin was sprawled out on his bed, his back to the door. It would almost look like he was sleeping, but she knew differently.

“Justin?” Her voice was soft and soothing. “Are you going to come and get ice cream with us?”

He moved his shoulder in response.

“Shrugging is not an answer.”

He turned onto his back and stared at the ceiling. “Why should I go? Jon doesn’t want me to go anywhere with him. All he cares about is you.” His voice was rough and harsh.

“Oh, so you think that I replaced you in his mind? Is that it? Cause I have a news flash for you. For the past couple of months while you were on tour all I’ve been hearing was Justin this and Justin that. For awhile there I was beginning to think that you were some divine being he talked so highly of you!” She waited for his response, but didn’t get any emotion. “Fine Justin. Just fine. You can hate me all you want, ignore me, do whatever, but let me remind you, Jonathan is your brother, and you made a promise to him. How good will you look if you broke it now?”

Justin turned his head to look at her. “I don’t hate you.” He mumbled.

Mickey's tone softened immediately, her heart starting to break at the pain in his voice. "Justin, Jon loves you. He looks up to you so much. All he ever talked about was you. I was beginning to think I knew more about you than you did."

Justin had to crack a smile at that one. He knew what it felt like to know so less about yourself and to have someone half your age know everything.

"But I don't know you. All I do know is that you hurt each time you see me with Jonathan. I see it in your body language, your voice, your face, but most of all your eyes. When you're angry, your eyes turn the darkest blue. When you’re sad, it's a deep aqua. When you're happy, they're just blue. Clear sky blue." A faint smile covered her lips before it disappeared. "Justin, it hurts. I know. But you have to remember, he's just a five-year-old. He could say something or do something that hurts and not know. You just have to always remember that."

A sigh escaped his lips. "How do you do that?"

"Do what?" She looked perplexed.

"How can you know so little about me yet know so much in a single glance?"

Mickey giggled slightly which caused him to grin.

"I'll come." Justin announced, sitting up in bed. "But can we take my car? Or can I at least drive? I have the worst urge to drive."

"It doesn't matter to me."

Justin got up from his bed and walked over to the door. He reached over her for the knob, but she placed her hand over his. He looked down at her confused.

"I don't have to go you know. It could be just you and Jon. Besides, I have to clean up some and give Steven a bath. Then call your mom to tell her you got in ok."

Justin smiled. "I want you to come. And I'm absolutely sure that Jon does too."

"Well, I don't have to. Really, I don't."

"I want you to come." He repeated with more feelings behind it.

Mickey shrugged. "Well, if you're going to be so stern about it." She smiled at him.

He immediately swung into character. "McKenna, you are to come to the ice-cream place with me, or else there will be severe consequences. Understand me young lady?"

She had to laugh. He returned her laugh and slung an arm over her shoulder. It felt so right there, it was scary. Quickly, he removed his arm and walked out of his room, leaving Mickey to watch his retreating back with a look of complete confusion on her face.

She shrugged off the confusion and followed him down the stairs. Justin already had Jonathan tugging on his hand and Steven waiting patiently with his arms opened to be picked up. Mickey swung up the baby and settled him on her hip. With a few quick commands, Justin was moving the car seat into his Mercedes while she put the stroller in the back.

Mickey buckled in a giggling Steven as Justin slammed the back door shut. Jonathan scrambled into the back seat and buckled his seat belt. Mickey made sure it was secure before she got into the passenger side seat next to Justin.

He yanked the car into reverse and back out of the driveway, careful not to hit her car next to him. When he was on the road, he shifted the car into drive and sped down the street.

"Music Mickey!" Jonathan called out from the back.

Mickey turned her head and glanced at the boy. "CD or radio?"


She frowned. "It's in the other car Jon. What else do you want to listen to?"

"CD!" He yelled.

"Ok." She turned to Justin whose eyes were trained on the road around him.

"Underneath the seat." He answered her unasked question.

Mickey reached down and pulled out Justin's CDs. She shifted through them, a frown deepening on her face. "Do you have anything else besides Rap and R&B? Jon's a little young to be listening to some of these songs."

"I'm sorry that I can't cater to your needs." He snapped in response. "But that's all I listen to."

Mickey bit back her reply remembering the kids in the back. "Ok then, we'll listen to the radio." She flipped on the radio and channel surfed until she found an ok station to listen to.

In the back seat, Jonathan sang along even though he didn't know most of the words. When one of N Sync's songs came on, Jonathan bounced up and down in his seat shouting about how he knew the dance to the song.

"I wanna show you!" Jonathan started to unbuckle his seat belt.

"Jonathan!" Mickey exclaimed in surprise. "Put your seat belt back on! The car is in motion!"

Justin looked in his rear-view mirror at his younger brother and watched as he stood up and started dancing. A small smile covered his face. "Jon, why don't we just wait till we get back home. That way we can tape it!"

"Ok!" Jonathan chirped. He sat back down and pulled his seat belt back on.

Mickey glanced at Justin and gave him a small smile of gratitude. He shrugged and turned his attention back to the road. A pang of hurt filled her before she dismissed it. He could've been a little bit more attentive, if that's even the right word, to her feelings. But he was Justin Timberlake, N Sync member and a wanted man. She had to give him some leeway. It could be that he just wasn't used to having to pay attention to another's feelings, especially another female's. But he did go out with Britney, so he should be just a little bit attentive. Though, she wasn't that great of an example.

A sigh escaped her lips as she turned her eyes from his chiseled features to the world outside of the car. Everything sped by so fast she felt her head began to pound from taking in all the images. She rested her head in her hands and rubbed her temples gently. All the worry about how Justin was going to react to her welled up to an inconsiderable size causing her stress she didn't need.

A firm hand was placed on her back and began to rub small circles on it. Her head jerked up and she found herself staring into Justin's baby blues.

"You ok?" He asked softly.

Mickey nodded. "I'm fine. Just have a little headache, but nothing to worry about." She smiled to prove her point.

Bells jingled as the group made their way into the ice cream parlor. For a Monday night, it was relatively crowded, which caused Justin to pull his Tarheels hat further down over his mass of curly hair. Fortunately, the other customers barely glanced at the door as they entered.

“Mickey, can I get ice cream with sprinkles like you said?” Jon asked in a rather loud voice, his face turned up in a pout toward his baby-sitter.

Mickey laughed, “Of course Jon-boy, you can have whatever you want.” She laughed as the little boy released her hand, as well as his older brother’s, and ran to look at the ice cream smorgasbord he had available to him. She switched Steven onto her other hip.

“Oh, oh, Mickey can I have a double dip chocolate fudge with caramel? Please?”

“Dear Lord, now I know where he gets it,” Mickey remarked, referring to the pouting face Justin was now making, almost identical to Jon’s. “Sure little Justy-boy, you can have whatever you want!” she said even more enthusiastically. “After all, you are paying.”