...chapter two...

“Aislinn, how nice to see you again.” Gregory smiled as he hugged her warmly. “You got everything at the hotel all right, I imagine?”

“Yes, thank you. This is an amazing opportunity you’ve given me.” Aislinn said.

“I don’t give. You earned this, Aislinn.” Gregory said softly. “Now, let me introduce you to everyone.”

Gregory led Aislinn over to where a man around his age, and a woman who hardly looked older than Aislinn, sat in the theater.

“Bill, Marisol, this is Aislinn Anoki. Aislinn this is my co-producer Bill Marsh and my wonderful director/choreographer Marisol Latiette.” Gregory said, introducing her.

“Pleased to meet you. Thanks for seeing me.” Aislinn said, shaking each of their hands. Bill smiled back, the same benevolent twinkle in his eye as in Gregorys’. But Marisol looked at her coolly, as if sizing her up.

“Well, it’s all Gregory, I’m afraid. I thought we had the perfect Mimi, but Greg here seems to think you’re better.” Marisol said, her tone telling Aislinn that she wouldn’t be better.

“Well, I hope I live up to expectations.” Aislinn smiled. Marisol rolled her eyes.

Gregory took her up to the stage to introduce her to the accompanist and let her know what dialogue to read.

“You’ll have to forgive Marisol,” he said, “A good friend of hers auditioned for Mimi, and was going to get the part until I saw you, so Marisol’s a little sore right now. She’ll get over it once she sees how good you are, though.” Gregory gave her arm a squeeze and walked back into the seats, leaving Aislinn on stage. The theater lights suddenly went out, and a bright spotlight hit her. Aislinn caught her breath, and then mentally counted backwards from ten before giving the accompanist his cue.

“One song. Glory. One song before I go…” Aislinn’s voice came out strong, sure. She had picked a song Roger sang in the show mostly because it had jumped out at her. It was about someone wanting to leave their mark on the world before succumbing to AIDS. Aislinn let her voice rise and fall, gathering strength and pulling back with the song. She finished, and the theater was silent.

Aislinn heard three pairs of hands clapping in front of her and another pair off to her left. She looked and could make out a man, tall and lean in the shadows off stage.

“That was beautiful, Aislinn. Now, Justin, are you back there?” Gregory called. The figure Aislinn had seen walked out to share the spotlight with her.

Aislinn looked at him quickly, summing up the warm face, with a touch of scruff, blue eyes and close-cut curly hair all as familiar, but not recognizable.

“Hi, I’m Justin. I’m playing Roger in the production. You have an amazing voice.”

Aislinn blushed. “Thanks. I’m Aislinn. Hopefully I’ll be playing Mimi.”

“Okay, kids, let’s go. First I want you to run through “Light My Candle”, and then we’ll do some dialogue. Mostly, we want to see how you’re voices sound together.

The accompanist cued a tape, and Aislinn took a deep breath before the opening lines.

“Got a light?”

Justin took his turn, his voice a rich tenor “I know you? You’re, you’re shivering.” And Aislinn really did shiver. Justin’s voice sent tingles down her spine, it haunted her.

They continued the duet, a first meeting between two people who would eventually fall in love.

“That was great, guys. Thanks.” Gregory called out after Aislinn ended her last note. “Justin, you’re free to go, thanks for coming in. See you tomorrow?”

“Yup,” Justin called, before turning to Aislinn. “That was great. You’ve got it.” He flashed a grin before disappearing into the shadows.

“Aislinn, do you mind coming down here?” Gregory’s voice floated from the seats. Aislinn hopped of the stage and walked over to where the three people who controlled her fate stood.

“Aislinn, I think you’re just what we’re looking for. We would love for you to be Mimi.” Bill smiled at her, and even Marisol managed a half-hearted attempt.

Aislinn felt her eyes mist over. “Thank you so much. I would love to.”

Gregory smiled. “Well, why don’t you stop by my hotel tomorrow around 10am, and we’ll do all the paperwork before rehearsal starts at noon. Sound good?”

“Perfect. I’ll be there. Thank you again.” Aislinn smiled and shook hands with everyone before leaving the theater. When she reached the lobby she did a series of pirouettes before slamming into something solid. Aislinn and the something solid landed on the floor in a heap.

“Ow.” The same voice that had been on stage with her.

“Justin?” Aislinn asked, still seeing stars.

“I think that’s my name. Everything’s a little fuzzy right now.” Aislinn could hear a hint of laughter in his voice.

“Oh, God, I’m so sorry. I was just so excited, and I wasn’t watching—” Aislinn tried to make excuses.

“It’s okay, I’ve got a hard head, or so they tell me.” Justin said standing up. He reached a hand out to Aislinn, and pulled her up. “You got the part, I take it?”

Aislinn grinned. “Oh yeah.”

“Congrats. I knew you would, you were excellent in there. I’m glad to be working with you instead of Marisol’s friend. Man, I haven’t met someone that bitchy in a long time.” Justin smiled ruefully.

“Okay, this will probably sound like it’s coming from left field, but have we met before? You look so familiar…” Aislinn studied him again, trying to remember at what audition or what show she has met Justin.

Justin grinned at her, his eyes glinting mischievously. “I doubt it. But I’m sure you have seen me before. You remember the pop explosion back in 1998, or so?”

Aislinn nodded, the realization dawning on her. “N Sync boy! Now I remember. My friend had your poster up in her locker senior year.” Aislinn permitted herself a wistful smile before coming back to the present.

“Ahh, so you were a fan?”

“Not really. I was more into the alternative music. I loved, and still do love, to just blast music that matches my mood. But I had your CD…I think.” Aislinn grinned sheepishly.

“It’s all good. So, where are you off to now, going to celebrate with friends?”

Aislinn shrugged. “I was just planning on getting some Chinese take out and headed back to my apartment. I’ll finally have the money to pay my rent. I’m kinda overdue. Then, I’m going to pull out a nice long book and curl up in bed until I fall asleep.”

“Sounds thrilling. Mind if I join you, for the eating part at least? We can get to know each other over eggrolls and fried rice.”

Aislinn smiled. “Sounds like a plan.” She and Justin left the theater and started walking towards her apartment building.

As they turned onto Aislinn’s street, she and Justin were having a good time, cracking jokes and making small talk. When they reached the building, Aislinn noticed something odd in the foyer. She used her key to open the door and found most of her belongings piled in the hallway, with a note attached to them.

Too shocked for words, Aislinn picked up the note and read:

Ms. Anoki,

Due to your inability to pay rent, you have been evicted from this property. Please remove the rest of your belongs by tomorrow at 7 PM, or they will be removed for you.

-The Management

“I don’t believe this! I was going to pay, honest. Dammit!” Aislinn kicked a nearby bag of clothes.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. Aislinn, look around you. This place is a dump.” Justin said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

“I know, but it’s a dump where I live. I have no where else to stay.” Aislinn felt her eyes well up with tears or anger and embarrassment. She had just met a former Prince of Pop and his first impression of her is some broke chick that can’t afford a dump of an apartment.

“Well, why don’t you call a friend, or something. I’m sure you can stay with them.” Justin moving his arm till it rested around Aislinn’s shoulder, hugging her lightly.

“Well, you may find this hard to believe, but I really don’t have any friends. I’ve always been too busy to go out and meet people. And when I do meet people, they’re always bitchy actress wannabes.”

Aislinn tried to stifle a sob, but it came out anyway. Justin let her cry on his shoulder for a few minutes.

“Look, I know we just met, but I’ve got a two bedroom place, not far from the theater. I live all alone, you could stay with me until you find somewhere.” Justin offered. He felt so sorry for Aislinn. She was obviously very fragile, and she looked like she was about to break.

“Oh, Justin, I couldn’t. I mean, I’m sure I can get a motel room or something. I just always overreact to things like this. Really, I’ll be fine.” Aislinn pulled out of Justin’s embrace and wiped her tears away quickly. She didn’t mean for him to think she was looking for a hand out.

“Aislinn, its no problem. I insist. You can take some time to regroup, and then go find a place a lot better then this. Besides,” he said, his voice dropping to a whisper, “I’m kind of scared to live all by myself.” Justin finished with a devilish grin that made Aislinn smile.

“Alright. But only for a few days. And I will pay you back for this.”

...chapter three...

...story index...