...chapter three...

A few hours and several cab trips later, Aislinn’s belongings were either in Justin’s apartment or in a cheap storage place not far away.

Justin collapsed on the sofa, and Aislinn sat on a chair not far away.

“So, what do you think of my humble abode?” Justin asked playfully.

Justin wasn’t kidding when he said he had extra room. His 2-bedroom place was a spacious loft apartment, each bedroom had it’s own bath, and there was a large kitchen and living room.

“It’s really nice. Thanks again for letting me live here.”

“Forget about it. So, you still up for the Chinese and talking?”

Aislinn smiled. “I’m starved, actually.” She admitted.

“Me, too. I’ll go grab a menu and the phone, and we can decide what we want. Sound good?”

Aislinn nodded, as she watched Justin walk away. She couldn’t help staring at his butt. It was rather nice…

“Aislinn?” Justin’s voice broke through her thoughts about his ass.

“Um, yeah?” Aislinn felt a faint blush creep onto her cheeks.

“Just making sure you’re still with me,” Justin grinned.

“Yup. You know what you want?” Aislinn asked as he handed her the menu.

“Yup, let me know when you do,” he said, flopping back down onto the couch, his cordless phone in one hand.

“I’ll have…vegetables in peanut sauce, won ton soup and eggrolls.” Aislinn finally decided.

“Sounds good,” Justin said, dialing the phone. He placed the order quickly, and hung up, turning to look at Aislinn.

“It should be here in half an hour. So, where should we start?”

“Well, why don’t you go first. I would love to hear about life as a popstar.” Aislinn teased.

“Well, fine then. I joined N Sync when I was 14. We started in Europe, made it big there, and then came to the States a few years later, right after the Backstreet Boys made it big. 3 albums later, I had a major break down, quit the band and roamed around Europe for three years. Came back here, got this apartment, did some solo gigs in the city, and basically tried to figure out my place in this world. The past year I spent working on material for a solo album and trying to find the right thing for me, I guess.” He paused then, allowing Aislinn to ask a question.

“Why did you have a break down? Didn’t you like being in a band?”

“I loved it more than life itself. And sometimes when you love something that much, it winds up hurting you. That’s what N Sync did. It was so constant, always on the go, the pressure was insane. I had to always remember I was Justin Timberlake of N Sync, not just Justin, a regular teen from Tennessee. It just got to be too much. I didn’t know who I was anymore, I was just who everyone wanted me to be, or thought I was. One night, after a show, or an interview or something, I just lost it. I pretty much blacked out, and I woke up in the hospital the next day, covered in bruises and cuts. Apparently, I had gotten into a fight with a brick wall, and it whooped my ass. I knew then I had to get out of that life. I had enough money to live on the rest of my life, so I said goodbye and took off for a few years.”

“The time in Europe was probably the best thing I’d ever done for myself. N Sync fell from the spotlight not long after my departure. I think everyone else pretty much felt the same as me by that point. It was amazing being overseas. I got to go where I want, when I wanted to. I didn’t have a set schedule, people always telling me what to do, where to go, when to talk. I did a lot of thinking. I spent a year in Paris, going to museums, learned pretty fluent French and I took a few classes at the Sorbonne, mostly philosophy. I came back here after Paris, because I couldn’t find anything to compare to that period of my life. I figured out a lot of stuff about me, who I am and the way I think. My family was definitely glad to have me back. I didn’t realize how much I missed them until I saw them again. I think that was the other reason I came back. I’m so close to my entire family, and I needed them back in my life.”

He stopped again, and looked at Aislinn. “So, what do you think of my life?” he asked dryly.

“Well, you’re not as shallow as I once thought.” She grinned. “Honestly, I think you went through a lot, especially at such a young age. And you’re wise for your years. A lot of people I know aren’t half a world savvy at twice your age. You really impress me, you know.”

Justin smiled. “Good to know. Now, it’s your turn.”

Just as Aislinn was opening her mouth, the buzzer sounded.

“Saved by the bell.” She cracked, racing to the apartment door, feeling glad of the reprieve the delivery boy gave her.

...chapter four...

...story index...