The Tomes of Eltare Submission Regulations

My regulations are few, but I do have a few pet peeves from those people who have been sending their stuff to me in certain forms. So here now are the requirements for fanfiction submission.

Put this at the beginning of your submission:

<head> <title>TITLE OF YOUR FIC</title> </head> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000" link="#0000ff" alink="#800080" vlink="#ff0000">

<p><h3 align=center>TITLE OF YOUR FIC<br>By: YOUR NAME HERE</h3>

And then the body of your fic can go here.

Please use proper tags throughout your fanfiction. These include paragraph markers, italics markers, et al. Here are examples:
Paragraph: <p>
Italics: <i>
Underline: <u>
Bold: <b>
Center: <center>

To denote the end of the bold, center, italic, or underline, simply put a slash before the letter. Ex: </u> to "turn off" underline. This is not necessary for paragraphs because putting a <p> before each paragraph automatically begins a new one.

To denote space in a fanfic, you can use the "centered asterisks" that many authors use:


Or you can use the <hr> to make a nice line cut right across the page:

If you wish to use a disclaimer, simply do the following:

<font size=2><I>DISCLAIMER HERE</font size=2></i>

Please follow those rules and guidelines when submitting your fanfiction. Keep in mind that I will take just about anything if it's reasonable and readable, as we are just starting out. Following these guidelines will make everyone's lives easier, and keep my stress levels to a minimum. Thanks. =)
