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When you submit a bio it will appear in a format similar to this. You can make it as long or as short as you'd like.

Submit all entries to: Type biography in the subject line so it won't be deleted as junk mail. If you decide to edit or remove your bio you can submit the changes or requests in the same way. Once it is received and attached to the web site the gray icon will become green.

*For those of you that would like to fill out a standard form, you may copy and paste the following to your email. Here are three forms you can choose from OR write your own. Anything would be better than nothing, and feel free to change them as often as you like.

Copy and paste this very short and simple form:

Profession - a short summary of your work and life.:
OR this form:




Occupation and where you do it:

Where you were born:

What technology of today are you inpressed with:

What advancements of life on earth would you expect to see in 100 years from now:

Something special YOU can do: I can….

Fictional character you most often feel like:

Favorites: (add or cut whatever you'd like)

  • book -
  • movie -
  • music -
  • TV program -
  • historical person -
  • food -

Something I'd REALLY like to learn how to do:

If you could take any 3 people (living or dead) out to dinner, who would they be?

Where would you go?

OR this form:



Place of residence (state):

Present job:

Previous jobs:

Military service:

Schools attended:




The highlights of your life thus far:

Future plans:

Hopes or expectations for the world 100 years from now:


OR make your own form: