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Young Marines Of Dade County Florida

Click the Young Marines Emblem for the Young Marines Official Webpage

This Site is completely mastered by Corporal Claudio Espinal. Welcome to The Young Marines of Dade Official Webpage. Every Time you come back You may see changes. We will try to make as many changes as we can because We beleive in new things. Please Comeback and see the new Pictures of Young Marines in Action. Please If you find any problems on the page Please feel free to Email Me @ YMODMCL@AOL.COM or you can E-mail the unit Co @ AMRUSMC@BELLSOUTH.NETAlso I would like to say "feel free to wonder around Dade website." If you want some thing ask for it dont take it. SEMPER FI!


Our E-mail Address is YMODMCL@AOL.COM (Webmaster)

AMRUSMC@BELLSOUTH.NET (Commanding Officer)

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