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Become a Young Marine

Do you have nothing to do on Sayurdays but sit on your couch and watch movies? Well theres hope, Join the Young Marines of Dade County and I guaraantee you wont be bored on saturdays. The Young Marines have to meet at the Training Center @0745(7:45 a.m.)and leave @1500(3:00 p.m.). The number to call is (305)-388-5598. Please dont call this Number untill the Month of August so that we can give you the exact date/time of the orientation. Thank You. If you wish, you may e-mail LCpl Henandez (Co-Webamaster)with your Full Name, Date of Birth, Address, E-Mail Address, and phone number and he will get back to you As Soon As Possible. You can reach him at: E3YMOD@CS.COM (CO-WEBMASTER)SEMPER FI!