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Sometimes in this hobby we distance ourselves from the terrible harvest that is war. I guess that we are so conditioned to hearing the command "resurrect" and all the dead rise and walk away that we view battle deaths in the abstract. In the War Between the States many thousands fell to rise no more. They were real people...somebodys grandpaw..maybe yours. are some Confederate soldiers who paid the ultimate price.

Just for a moment look into the faces of the men whom we honor by preserving their memory.


These glass negatives were so plentiful after the war, and interest so low, that many thousands were sold to greenhouses to use as glass panes. The sun slowly bleached
away the images until the the glass became almost clear and the photos were lost forever.

wanna see more photos? go here.


Much can be learned from looking directly back in time. Note that the rifles have no slings and the canteens have no covers.
One canteen apparently has a leather strap. The soft felt slouch hat in the first photo has a hat cord. Looks like a large canvas haversack with a leather strap
to close it with on the 2nd photo. I dont see any suspenders anywhere on the men in the 3rd photo.