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Honey Springs Battle Park in Oklahoma is considering having a "GHOST TOUR". This would be similar to the Gettysburg Ghost Tours but also include elements of "candlelight" type tours. The "toursits" would go through battle scenes staged by reenactors while battle sounds raged in the background. Then the tourists would be taken some distance away to the actual Confederate Battle line on a walking-tour lit only by candle lantern.They would be surrounded by the quiet of the deep woods except for the owls screeching...which there are plenty of. This is a really scary place. So scary that a team of Ghost investigators were called out twice and recorded Ghostly indicators such as extreme drop in temperatures and Orbs appearing in photos. Park worker have experienced several happenings. Other happenings were reported by some reenactors who went there recently. Here is the article reprinted from another website

This is one of the Ghostbuster guys with an "orb" over his shoulder

Since then, the Park has ceased to allow anyone to sleep or camp on the actual battleline.

This sounds like it could be fun...and maybe make the Park some money and get some much needed recognition from the public. (They could really use some signs to tell folks they're there and show how to get to the new part of the park!) Plans for the tour have it happening sometime in March 2004. The Park needs some feedback on this idea from you. Some of us would be asked to participate in the event...could be a lot of fun..and maybe a litlle different from the usual.
Send 'em an e-mail. Honey Springs

(9/20/03)"Tom Morphew and I just returned this weekend from doing a musical civil war program for the park and they allowed us to walk the battleline at night. The only indicator we had of a "presence" this time was the dramatic drop of temperature in the same area where I got "spooked". So much colder, that we could see our breath in the air! And not just a little ..alot like we had just stepped into a freezer. When we walked just 20 feet away...the temperature returned to normal.We took some photos to see if any "orbs" appear on them. "
well...I'm no Ghostbuster but I dont know what the points of light are. This was taken on the battleline where there was absolutely no light. Maybe its just junk on the film.