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Great educational video.

Bruce Crawford Productions is pleased to announce the release of "The Battle
of Shiloh," an important battle fought during the early stages of the American
Civil War.

Now available on video, the documentary is an idea teaching aid for history
and sociology classes, libraries American History sections, as well as anyone
interested in studying the Civil War.

Please visit our website where a free preview
and ordering information may be obtained.

To preview the video. Click "Preview Battle of Shiloh video." It will take
several minutes to download if you have high speed internet..


Below are what teachers are saying about this documentary.

Your video provides nice closeup view of what a battle probably looked like,
more realistic than the Hollywood productions. It also provided a lot of good
history of the battle.
I thought Abe Lincoln was great. He is as convincing as any I have ever seen
in the movies.

We really like the 140th Battle of Shiloh video and the teacher is really
wild about the band that plays the wonderful music. Thanks for rushing it to us
and I'll pass the word about the 140th Battle of Shiloh video.

I recently purchased the 140th Battle of Shiloh video and the history
department is thrilled.

So buy a video.

Please let other librarians, teachers, schools and troops/ camps know about
this video.


The cost of the video is $20.00 plus $5.00 for shipping and handling. Credit
card sales will be sent out the same day.


Bruce Crawford
Bruce Crawford Productions
Nashville, Tennessee